We all know the story. A crisis hits; a problem arises, and the American public collectively raises its hands in indignant supplication: "Do something!", they say. And the ... Keep Reading
Public Health
Hands Off My Healthcare!
Next week (August 2 - August 8), a few members of Civitas will be traveling around the state on a "Hands Off My Healthcare" tour, hosted by the NC chapter of Americans For ... Keep Reading
Another End Around by the Left
Those of you who thought the battle over comprehensive sex education curricula in North Carolina schools was over when HB 879 and SB 1182 failed to the pass the Legislature last ... Keep Reading
Battling Public Health Nazis in Britain
The fight for personal freedom and property rights has already been lost in much of the US and Europe. One rocker gives a two-fingered "up yours" to the draconian ... Keep Reading
Fishy Fears and ‘Buy Local’ Fetishism
Andrea Verykoukis over at the Progressive Pulse urges us to "buy local" in light of the feed scare created by a Chinese company having adding chemicals to animal ... Keep Reading