On November 2 North Carolinians voted for a complete change in legislative leadership for the first time in over a century.
Yet the fiscal problems facing North Carolina are huge. As of today there is almost a $4 billion gap between what the state wants to spend and what the state will have to spend.
This is where you come in.
We have to make sure the new leadership, unlike the last, doesn’t ignore the dire realities facing North Carolina: billions of dollars in debt, and an impending budget deficit in the billions.
Civitas outlined 10 ways to trim government spending. But that’s only the beginning.
Now it’s your turn – tell us what North Carolina can do to close the gap between spending and revenue. We’ll take the best ideas and post them on our website and forward them to legislators. If you want credit, let us know and we will attach your name to the idea.
What can you suggest?
- Reorganizing government departments or functions to save money (be specific)
- Examples of actual waste or fraud (specific and documentable)
- Money in parts of state government that legislators are unaware of
- Duplication of function
- Anything at all…
Look at all parts of government. The universities, public education, administration – everything is open for review. We want everyone to participate – state employees, private citizens – even elected officials can help. The more the better.
School bus stops should be no closer than 3/8 of a mile.
Do away with N.C. Hunting & Fishing Lic. Replace with access fees charged at boat ramps & Game Lands. This will save by not requiring so many fish & game officers and their support equipment. This will remove the tax / license burden from those people who never use State supported facilities, fish & game lands.
Do away with State & County building inspections offices and staff. Replace with builder bonding. If you build a home or other structure you must post a assurance / performance bond. This removes the tax burden for something the Insurance Industry can and should support. The person having the work done will be protected by the bond if the contractor does not finish the work. If the work does not pass the Insurance Company Inspection the bond is forfeited. The Insurance Companies will make sure structures are build to code or better. This places the cost where it should be. It offers better protection for the person having the work done. I puts the Insurance Companies in control of the building process that they must later insure. Insurance Company Inspectors would be held to a higher standard of conduct and this conduct would apply State wide. No more County Inspectors who have no respect for builders or home owners. This would remove the entire cost of building code compliance from the State Tax Payers and place it on the business profiting from the regulations. This would remove MILLIONS of current & future cost and liability from the State Budget while improving service and coverage!
Government Employee headcount and salaries are totally out of control. During the last 10 years or so while private employees have been suffering compensation reductions or loss of jobs completely, government employees have complained about INCREASES which are not enough to satisfy them.
We have to understand that by definition, a tax is something that comes from OUTSIDE the government (i.e. the private sector) and is transferred for use INSIDE the government. Public Employees, then, pay no taxes, since all their compensation comes from the taxpayers. They may have to file and return a small part of their compensation each year, but they contribute NOTHING financially.
For public employees, taxpayers pay for everything: their house, their utilities, their food, their vacations, their gifts to their kids. In return for this largess, most look down on us as the ignorant and unwashed masses.
This has got to change. We have too many government employees being paid way too much. Recent studies have found government employees getting 30-60% more than their private sector counterparts with similar skills. Headcount should be significantly reduced, with salaries adjusted according to the labor market.