This poll of 400 unaffiliated general election voters in North Carolina was conducted August 15-16 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of unaffiliated voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 400 interviews (registered voters) will be within +/-4.9% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every unaffiliated voter in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
[civitas_poll id=”2011_08″]
2011 compared to 2010 leads me to conclude the liberals are gaining strength again.
Questions that refer to issues of voting should be limited to for, against, or nuetral. The other answers do not reflect how someone may vote or how they will support the issue, therefore the results are unreliable and confusing. You can’t have fence straddlers at the poles.
I cannot believe the idiocy that continues to pervade this state. #26 & #27 are funny – the first one people clearly had no clue about the issues, they just wanted to lash out as those evil republicans; and then the next question after given a little more detail about what was accomplished gave a more supportive answer. We have to be the most progressive state in the south; all of these hard-nosed liberals owning the discussion; yet when asked, “oh I’m a moderate”…. yeah right. They think if only the identify themselves as “moderate” they won’t be held responsible for anything, and they don’t even have to know any of the issues – as this poll clearly shows. Conservative realists need to do a better job of reaching the population where they are.
as i see it n.c. is a swing state.we have a lot of people who don`t know or refuse to would be nice to know if you live in this state to care enough to know what is happening and have a voice in it affairs.
If you look at the demographics of the poll, this one skews more Democratic and younger than the one in 2010, which probably explains some of the difference in results. Many of the results seem to be within the margin of error of the 2010 results also, so it may not be a statistically significant difference.
How do we teach what is going on? The GOP is in power for the 1st time in a 100 years and both parties are blamed? I bet that 100% of the polled know all the hit tv shows and singers and Hollywood. Sad
First place to read is to compare the demographics of the sample. Much of the change can be attributed to the random change in the sample demographics.
34) Which category best describes your race or ethnicity?
2010 2011
White or Caucasian 93% 79%
African American or Black 4% 10%
Hispanic or Latino 1% 3%
and this one:
28) Who did you vote for or support in the 2008 Presidential Election?
2010 2011
Barack Obama 44% 50%
John McCain 47% 37%
So this year’s survey got 14% more non-white respondents, and 10% fewer McCain voters. That might explain a good chunk of the year-to-year variations.
The poll tells me that the GOP and conservatives had better get their act together for 2012! If they are going to swing NC to the Republican candidate, they need to be doing far, far more ads and getting the message out, as well as grass roots organization. Considering the number of moderates, the candidate is going to have to appeal to them and a *fringe* candidate such as Ron Paul isn’t going to get elected. We have work to do people!
In Rutherford county 60 o/o voted straight republican in 2010
..yet this poll shows differently..also, anyone who follows the state congress has to agree that the budget is great for next year..i think a lot of people in this poll don’t even follow politics ..especially if they think obama is doing a good job.. you are right Watcher.. heads are buried deep in the sand..the democratic party is no longer your daddy’s party.. it is a strong socialist party today..
people should wake up open there eyes Obama & the democratic are not good for our state or county they want to take our money & freedom,i am first a tee party conservative then a republican.