Raleigh, N.C. – Since May, President Barack Obama has experienced a 14 point shift to the negative in his job approval rating among North Carolina voters, according to a new poll released by the Civitas Institute. The poll also revealed that voters continue to hold an unfavorable opinion of Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue.
Forty-four percent of voters polled said they approve of the job that Barack Obama is doing as President of the United States. Fifty-two percent said they disapprove and four percent said they are undecided or do not know. This is a 14 point swing since a May 2011 Civitas poll when Obama’s job approval rating stood at 51 percent approve – 45 percent disapprove.
Analyzing party registration, Democratic voters overall approve of Obama’s performance (72 percent approve – 25 percent disapprove). In contrast, Republicans largely disapprove of his performance by an 87 percent to 11 percent margin along with 60 percent of unaffiliated voters.
“This is the largest swing we have seen in the president’s job approval and could be another sign that Obama’s support in North Carolina is waning,” said Civitas Institute President Francis De Luca.
Voter opinion of Gov. Bev Perdue remains unfavorable as 44 percent said they hold a favorable opinion of her while 47 percent said their opinion is unfavorable. Six percent of voters said they have heard of her but have no opinion, and three percent said they have never heard of Perdue. Democratic voters (63 percent) continue to view Perdue favorably, while Republican (72 percent) and unaffiliated voters (51 percent) do not.
“Whether it is job approval or favorability ratings, Governor Perdue does not appear to have the support of a majority of North Carolina voters,” added De Luca.
The Civitas Poll is the only regular live-caller poll of critical issues facing North Carolina. For more information on Civitas polling see http://www.nccivitas.org/category/poll/.
Full Text of Question:
“Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as President of the United States?”
Total Approve – 44%
Total Disapprove – 52%
Strongly Approve – 25%
Somewhat Approve – 19%
Somewhat Disapprove – 13%
Strongly Disapprove – 39%
Undecided/Don’t Know – 4%
“Now I am going to read you a list of people active in politics. After I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person. If you have never heard of that person, just tell me and we’ll go onto the next one: Bev Perdue.”
Total Favorable – 44%
Total Unfavorable – 47%
Very Favorable – 13%
Somewhat Favorable – 31%
Somewhat Unfavorable – 19%
Very Unfavorable – 28%
Heard of/No Opinion – 6%
Never Heard Of – 3%
Click here for full results and crosstabs.
This poll of 600 registered general election voters in North Carolina was conducted July 12-13, 2011 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
Took awhile but they’re finally wising up.
His winning NC was a fluke, anyway. The same mistake won’t be made twice.
as long as folks vote the way they ‘feel’ right now we might turn this ship around in NC and nationally.
we shall see.
This state is too valuable to toss to the experiments of unproven economic experiments of an ivy league professor who chooses dictating over listening to
his voters. We have been watching.
And now his highness, our child king, fearless leader, and emporer with no clothes, will not follow the Constitution that he swore to uphold by defending through the DOJ the Defense of Marriage Act signed by Bill Clinton and has declared himself for the repeal. I do not think that will help his numbers anywhere but San Francisco and NYC.
NYC and state are already facing threats against people with religious convictions that if they do not bow down to same-sex marriage law, they will be criminals: court clerks who would like other clerks to issue the “gay” marriage licenses–which are starting on a Sunday–a definite slap at Christianity and sepc. the Roman Catholic Church, florists who do not want to be associated with gay weddings, yadda. There are still court cases in CA over such issues years after that state’s first bout of homosexual marriage.
It made me absolutely sick when NC went to obama. SICK! So much so, that I told every person I knew that voted for him that we were finished! A sister included – I will never forgive her.
Hopefully some of them realize their treasonous decision.
A crying shame that recent college graduates here in NC are having to leave the state to seek employment. You would think what with the banks, all the companies in the Research Triangle Park area etc. that the jobs would be there, but with a liberal, tax and spend Democrat governor (Bev Perdue) and the clown in the White House, this is the result. Elections have consequences.
No amount of election fraud will save these two in their next elections.
They voted for the first black president in 2008 guess they dont want to be stupid and vote for Obama in 2012.
Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason. Obama voted out in 2012, economy quickly rebounds, everyone’s happy (except my under-35 demo who will be paying the bills for this 4 year mistake).
It’s all about immorality, power, self-centerdness and deception.
Obama policy preferences are to destroy the family.
His socialism is to destroy our ecomony, mistakenly or purposefully, I can’t tell. I do know a lot of Americans seem to think socialism can solve societal problems. However, free markets – individuals purchasing what they determine they need and want – work best to create prosperity aside from a little help from the gov’t with regards to antitrust law, etc.
Primarily, the feds should be protecting us with a strong and moral Department of Defense. This is no place for the family-destructive homosexual agenda, let alone anywhere in the country. And, Obama won’t even protect our citizens against illegals murdering them in their homes, crossing the border and bringing narcotics, etc., etc.
Shame shame shame….on him…and more so on ‘us’ for allowing him and the LAME stream liberal media to deceive us. May they (the media, Obama, Reid, Pelosi (AMAZING quote: “We need to pass the healthcare bill in order to see what’s in it.”) and cronies, et al) rot in he!!
May we Americans (the great majority!) WAKE UP and STAND FOR WHAT’S RIGHT!!!
Hopefully, the whole country is waking up and smelling the socialism. There was lots of built-in good will for the first African-American President from lots of Americans ~ and unfortunately Barack Obama did not live up to anyones expectations. He has let a lot of people down and our country suffers because of it. Let’s hope the next African-American President will actually understand what he’s doing and move us in the right direction! Herman Cain! He’s got what it takes!
Looks like the fine folks of North Carolina are wise people. I think I will consider leaving my home state of PA to be with more like-minded people in NC. But, I still cannot comprehend that 44% of the people surveyed actually approve of his job performance. Maybe they are judging on style and not substance. Not sure.
To all those in NC who wisely wish to take their Obama votes back in 2012, the eager line is already forming on the right.
And don’t forget, the freshman Obamabagger Senator Kay Hagan, D-NC, will be up for re-election pretty soon too.
I was truly amazed when Ogabe got elected, with a red state going blue(should have locked up all the UNC campuses), it was disheartening. That said, I’m looking foward to a complete repudiation of the Kenyan’s reign of terror. MOLON LABE
And don’t forget, this is with a fawning media out there trying to cover his tracks and make everything he does look like it was tried and tested by God himself. The same (state run) media just pounded Bush and conservatives every day, 24/7/365. It’s a wonder Bush’s ratings were as high as they were with that sort of pounding. Yet with odumbo the lawless in there, they’re trying to cover up for him and make him look competent, not like the lawless chicago thug he actually is.
Not to mention, the democrats that do not approve of him? They’re the ultra liberals that think he isn’t liberal ENOUGH!! they will never fully approve of him until he rounds up and locks up every conservative there is.
I’m glad people are starting to realize their mistake in electing Obama (and Perdue). Unfortunately, many of these same people think that electing Republicans will fix the mess. This is not true. Neither Democrats nor Republicans are willing to do what it will take to get this nation back on track. They are both to blame and have been for years. I would encourage voters to reject both groups outright and instead support independent and third party candidates.
It was obvious to all who were not taken up in the reverse racism that elected Obama. People voted for an empty suit with black skin. A person with white skin and his credentials could not have been elected municipal dog catcher. There was a mass suspension of disbelief aided and abetted by the main stream media. Those who cast their vote for Obama exuded a smug superiority that they had done the “right thing”. They after all were post racial and post partisan. Sounds absurd but that is what they believed. The rest of us were so 1950s; rubes who clung to our religion and guns.
A lot of people SAY they approve to prevent being called a “racist”
When the curtain closes, we’ll see then what lever is pulled.
And to top it all off, we have another summer to go. Gas will be at 6.00 gal, and people won’t be able to afford electricity to cool their homes! Unemployment will still hit 9-10%, and inflation will stagger the economy, and the “middle class” budget.
And the Boy King will still be lying about supporting the middle class. It’s the poor minorities he is worrying about. Especially the ones with their hands out and relying on the Government, and too downtrodden to know they could do better.
And make no mistake, IF he gets another term, the middle class will die.
This is the beginning of the end for the Boy Who Would Be King!
Or the beginning of the end for the America the Founding Fathers envisioned.
cutbean, you’re at it again? Nobody care about your racist dribble! Do society a favor and take a sledgehammer to your computer.
@ My Fellow Americans Jul 20, 2011 at 17:15
Those of us that watched Bill Clinton get elected because of Ross Perot know that we have a two-party system. The ONLY way Obama can win re-election is if we split the vote. We can’t afford to make that mistake this time.
Time for Ø to come back for a Cape Fear brunch…
Who are the idiots that make up the 44%????
I have written 3 cogent, well thought out letters about the budget deficit to President Obama, Hagen, Burr, and “Blue Dog” Shuler. Of the responses I have gotten (2 from Hagen, one from Shuler), none of them have addressed even one of the points in my letter, which was mainly concerned with elimination of worthless federal departments vs. increased taxes and lowering the marginal tax rates for the rich. Mr. Soetero and Mr. Burr (I am a registered republican) did not bother to reply. None of these will get my vote in 2012, no matter what happens between now and then. Hopefully the 44% who still think Obammie is doing a wonderful job will grow some grey matter in the mean time.
The article is ok – but it really doesn’t point out what is the MOST glaring fact. That is that the srongly dissaprove and strongly unfavorable far out number the strongly approve and strongly favorable people. That is the real story!
You voted for Obama in 2008 to prove to everyone that you’re not a racist. Now you’ll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove to everyone you’re not a complete idiot.
the 44% are the takers, people who feel they deserve for the
government ( working people) to provide for them They are in
every poll. Usually 35 to 45 % usually union members, welfare recipients,
people with no ambition who think they deserve just as much as those of
us who get up and work every day and only ask for a chance.
Add this 35% to about 10-15% left wing nuts and you have close to
a majority.
Voting for Obama in 2008 was a fashion statement…. much like it was once a fad to buy Beanie Babies, pet rocks and Cabbage Patch Kids. It was to let everyone know that you weren’t a racist.
But instead of ending up with a ridiculous dust-collector at the bottom of your closet, the Obama fad leaves you with an economy in ruins, higher taxes, higher unemployment, higher gas prices, a reduced retirement fund, a bloated over-bearing federal government and eventually a one-year wait for an MRI.
GTFO! ….. Coming in 2012 !!!
Anyone that did not know this pre-electon is cognitively challenged. Michael Moore is correct. He anounce to all of Europe that Ameicans are stupid, and I have to agree.
A vote for shuler is a vote for pelosi
…Oblabla should have never set foot in this country…go do your agenda in some other country..where maybe they will throw you out in thirty days. I’m embarrassed to have this cretin on US soil.
CV asks..”Who are the idiots that make up the 44%????”
They are blacks that wanted to vote for the first black president. Understandable. Naieve impressionalble College Students, indoctrinated by “progressive” left wing nut job professors..Understandle And Yankee refugees’ who have fled to the NC, to escape the devestating economic and social policies of the progressive Yankee NE. They are Insane. Repeating the same stupid destructive progressive policies that made them flee south, and now are working to destroy our qulity of life.
I recall seeing a lot of Blammer/Biteme bumper stickers in NC ’08 where we vacation in every year which was very surprising given as most I know in NC are not moonbats. Nice to see the people that did have had enough with the hopey changy BS and have realized what a bill of goods they were sold. See you in Ocracoke next week.
They are blacks that wanted to vote for the first black president. Understandable. Naive impressionable College Students, indoctrinated by “progressive” left wing nut job professors. Understandable And Yankee refugees’ who have fled to the NC, to escape the devastating economic and social policies of the progressive Yankee NE. They are Insane. Repeating the same stupid destructive progressive policies that made them flee south, and now are working to destroy our quality of life.
Word to the wise NC residents — don’t let your state turn into a deep blue sink hole run by money grubbing, double dealing, power obsessed marxocrats like in NY. I want to relocate to NC but not until I know you guys won’t be suckered by Cobrama the forked tongue venomous serpent from Hell who suddenly molts into Mr. God Bless America in an election cycle.
two words”white guilt” get over it…they hate whites…period! always will thats all they have been taught for the last 60 yrs
@ Phoenix Rising, who writes: “I want to relocate to NC but not until I know you guys won’t be suckered by Cobrama the forked tongue venomous serpent from Hell who suddenly molts into Mr. God Bless America in an election cycle.”
Ohhhhhhhhh, that’s good! What else have you got?
right on zippo, damn yankees are the ones that never go home..and want to make where ever they move just like new yawk. freakin morons.
Let North Carolina lead us out of this Night-Obama-Mare.
I moved to WNC from Florida 2 years ago to get away from the Yankees, Libs, and Hispanics who won’t learn English. Also astronomical property tax and property insurance. I bought my house for cash and grow my own food. The average age in the county where I live is over 50 and lower middle class. I’m sure this crap about cutting Medicare and Social Security and raising income tax is going over real well right now. I’m sure this county will be scarlet in ’12.
The question that should be asked is what state or region has any majority approval of President Obama and his socialist policies? We all know now that the majority of voters are disgusted with this man’s malicious actions both here and abroad. But what we do not know is why there are still people supporting this “enemy within”?
There is no racial component to the dislike of Obama free marketers espouse. They don’t like the white half or the black half. Both read Clowers and Piven and are doing the utmost to take this country down so Communism can ride in to save the country like the USSR was saved. (RIP 1999) I would like someone to explain, using terms of logic, why they call him a black president or a black anything. He’s just as much white as black and if I were black, I’d be pointing that out just so I or my race wouldn’t be blamed for putting an idiot in the White House. Fortunately, the majority in the country is too kind to make such a charge. (I know the media or radical blacks would never admit it but it’s obvious to them anyway.)
Americans are not racists.
Obama got elected BECAUSE he was black.
He’ll be UN-elected, because he’s not fit to preside over this great nation.
Looks like NC might be coming to it’s senses, but only time will tell.
Many like myself who lived there for years, moved south to escape the rampant liberal policy as well as the high taxes and crime that come along with it.
I lived in Charlotte for nearly 20 years until I could take no more. Now I notice a lot of liberals from up north moving there replacing those of us who fled.
They move down because things are better than the liberal bastions they moved from, then they vote for more liberals and drag their dysfunction with them and the cycle starts all over again.
I hope Obama does not carry NC again and we can rid ourselves of these parasites that are destroying our country from within.
We cannot stand another 4 years of this failure.
Hey Barry Obama – 550 days until you finish packing and move out of MY house in DC. 475 days until we send you your pink slip.
OBTW – when you do we’ll make sure you take Bev Perdue with you. She may be from here in New Bern – but she’s not worth spit.
JinOH: I live in Asheville, NC and was angry every time Obozo came here spewing his fertilizer. I was wise to him long before 2008, but some folks just don’t respond to facts or common sense. I am proud to have a NOBAMA bumper sticker on my windshield (since 2007). A pro-O sticker is a rare sight.
Very astute and cogent insights, North Carolinians.
Vote “No!” for O in 2012. Our very lives depend on it.
I don’t believe that Americans are racists.
Obama was elected, largely BECAUSE the voters saw him as a black man (although he’s half white). Ponder, if you will, what that little fling has cost us.
If lawful elections are held in 2012, Obama will probably be UN-elected because of his lawless, arrogant habit of ignoring our elected Congress and the Constitution.
(The Civitas censors said that my comment (not the exact one above) needed moderating. Well, this is as moderate as I can make it, because it’s darned near impossible to discuss Obama without becoming immoderate. I beg your pardon.)
Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat (PMSD) S u c k s ! Never has worked, never will work. That’s why 16% arn’t working.
If anyone here bothers to read the crosstabs of this survey, you’d notice it is only 33% registered republicans and a whopping 47% registered democrats. Considering he’s 8 points underwater with such a sample skewed to democrats, its probably more like 12-15 points with a more even sample.
Obama’s ratings are so low that Lybia declared that he was born in the US.
Four in 10 Americans approve of the way Obama is dealing with Congress in the high-stakes battle to raise the nation’s $14.3 trillion in borrowing authority, the poll shows.