Major things are happening in North Carolina government. Budgets are being written, districts are being redrawn, and if several legislators get their way, mascots will soon be under review for political correctness.
Wait, what?
Under HB 681 An Act to Study the Use of American Indian Mascots at Public Schools sponsored by Charles Gram (D-Robeson), Garland Pierce (D-Hoke, Robeson, Scotland), and Marcus Brandon (D- Guilford) public schools would soon be under scrutiny to see if their mascots and logos are politically correct.
The Legislative Study Committee on the Use of American Indian Mascots at Public Schools (yes that’s its full title) would be funded with ever increasingly rare tax dollars (over other programs such as improving the schools themselves) to travel around the state to visit schools and make recommendations that could include the disposal of old mascots in favor of more socially acceptable and historically neutral ones.
North Carolina schools already have enough troubles. Faculty and administration are contending with staff shortages, classroom crowding, low test scores, and funding cuts. To add mascot worries to their burden seems rather inappropriate during their current difficulties. Students and faculty often have pride in their mascot, it represents a history they have worked to improve and build upon. To call this into question would rob them of their history and school pride. The General Assembly has bigger things to worry about than mascot management.
Because it diverts scarce time and money away from serious issues and distracts already-struggling schools away from their actual job of educating children, HB 681 is this week’s Bad Bill of the Week.
Leave it to the dems to come up with something this wasteful and down right STUPID! I’ll tell you what ought to be abolished for “political incorrectness and social INSANITY”, the entire so-called “democrat” party. They have all morphed into a blithering bunch of mentally arthritic morons to put it as kindly as I can. It’s no wonder this entire country is about to collapse with these imbeciles having been at the head of the table for the past 100 years in North Carolina and all across this country. It is my hope that the NC Legislature simply ignores these brain dead zombies and goes on about the states business. And, don’t let them near you, what they have may be contagious Heaven forbid.
This is too stupid to even receive a comment —but I will leave one. If these three representatives have nothing better to add to the current problems in our state other than these off the wall “mascot selection” problems, perhaps they had best find other outlets for their “talents” than pretending to serve our state. While I have many friends in the native American community, this is way beyond belief. No wonder our citizens find it not necessary to vote in our elections if this is the choices they are presented with. Let us hope that these three (and others like them) will have something better to choose from in the next election. Maybe new colors for the sidewalks or walking paths. Hopefully they will find ways to help create a few jobs for people who want to provide for their families. What a novel idea…..
Some people are just too sensitive.Leave the mascots be!
Don’t we have BIGGER problems like a voter photo ID to reduce fraud in our electoral system?????