June 25, 2014
CONTACT: Francis De Luca (919) 834-2099 Francis.deluca@nccivitas.org
RALEIGH –As the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) holds its “School’s Out” rally, the Civitas Institute puts the spotlight on the gulf between teacher’s salaries and NCAE executives salaries’.
Using the latest figures* from 2012, the most recent available, the average salary of NCAE executives was $180,231, compared to a NC teachers’ average annual pay of $45,933.
“I’m sure the NCAE will be talking about how the legislature hates teachers and education,” Civitas President Francis X. De Luca said. “But the real story is about how teacher union executives live large on the backs of hardworking teachers. The NCAE and their bosses at the National Education Association (NEA) don’t really care about children, they care about their salaries.”
The NCAE is one of the largest chapters of the NEA in the nation. In order to join the NCAE, members are required to join the NEA, one of the most radical unions in the country.
For more information, click on this flyer.
*Average teacher compensation includes base salary plus other additional pay such as new teacher orientation, longevity pay, supplementary pay, or mentor pay. Average compensation for top NCAE Executives includes base compensation, retirement and other deferred compensation and nontaxable benefits.
The Civitas Institute is a policy institute based in Raleigh, N.C. More information is available at www.nccivitas.org, or contact Jim Tynen at (919) 834-2099 or james.tynen@nccivitas.org.
The NCAE likes to make noise and protest, yet doesn’t actually resolve any of the issues. To resolve things would be counter-productive to the pockets of the NCAE.
Teachers are in essence paying the NCAE dues to keep themselves in a perpetual victimhood status.