If you are reading this, there is little chance you don’t already know all about House Bill 2 – the Public Facilities Privacy & Securities Act.
The bill was passed in response to a Charlotte city ordinance that overstepped powers granted to municipalities in North Carolina and would have ordered private businesses to eliminate bathrooms that restrict use based upon biological sex.
HB 2, among other things, allows private businesses to establish their own bathroom usage policies and allow public schools to make reasonable accommodations for transgender students not wanting to use multi-person restrooms of their biological sex.
A significant majority of likely North Carolina voters feel that the Charlotte ordinance was unreasonable.
But several legislators, however, would like to see HB 2 repealed.
HB 946, Repeal HB 2, Fund Human Relations Commission is sponsored by Reps. Darren Jackson (D-Wake), Graig Meyer (D-Orange), Susi Hamilton (D-New Hanover), and Grier Martin (D-Wake). The Senate has introduced an equivalent bill, SB 784, which is sponsored by Terry Van Duyn (D-Buncombe), Jeff Jackson (D-Mecklenburg) and Mike Woodard (D-Durham).
To be frank, not much more needs to be said about this issue at this point. Camps on both sides have stated their case for weeks, including dueling protests at the state capitol on the first day of the legislative session.
Suffice it to say, the Civitas Institute has supported HB 2 and stands with the majority of North Carolinians who believe the Charlotte ordinance was inappropriate. HB 2 may not be a perfect bill, but it does include important common-sense protections for the privacy of people using the restroom and respects the property rights of private businesses by allowing them to enforce the restroom policy of their choice.
For these reasons, HB 946 (and its equivalent, SB 784) is this week’s Bad Bill of the Week.
According to sickos this never happens.Police: Peeper dressed like a woman arrested at Potomac Mills
A Fredericksburg man was arrested Monday at Potomac Mills Mall after, police say, he dressed in women’s clothes and attempted to film a woman through a bathroom stall.
The victim in the latest case, a 35-year-old Alabama woman, told police she was using the restroom around 3:10 p.m. when she saw a bag “protruding from underneath a neighboring stall,” said Prince William police spokesman Nathaniel Probus.
The victim told police that when she tried to confront the suspect, a man dressed in women’s clothing exited the stall and went into another stall next to another woman, Probus said.
The victim alerted the woman in the stall and contacted Potomac Mills security officers, who detained the man until police arrived.
Richard Rodriguez, 30, of Old Greenwich Drive in Fredericksburg, was charged with three counts of unlawful filming of a nonconsenting person and three counts of peeping, Probus said. He is being held without bond at the Prince William-Manassas regional jail.
Police say Rodriguez is responsible for a May incident at the Walmart on Worth Avenue near the mall and an October incident at Potomac Mills.
In the May 15 case, a 53-year-old Woodbridge woman told police she was using the bathroom when an unknown man dressed in women’s clothing stood in front of her stall and tried to use a mirror to peep inside. The victim confronted the suspect, who fled the restroom.
In the Oct. 11 incident at Potomac Mills, police say the suspect attempted to peep through a bathroom stall at a 35-year-old Stafford woman and her 5-year-old daughter. The victim struggled with the suspect, but he was able to get away and fled the mall in women’s clothing.
If we are going to allow individuals to define reality according to their feelings, then Target should allow a 20-year-old to get a senior discount if he self-identifies as a 65-year-old. Would Target accept that self-identity? If not, why not, based on their logic?
What does any of this have to do with transgender citizens or LBGT?
Church events are a much more likely location for a predator to attack and the predator is very unlikely to be transgender.
I was knocked off a bar stool
(Substantial stool with back)
by an over 6′ man, dressed as a woman, in Montreal this past October. We sat at bar to eat as restaurant was crowded & there were no tables. My husband caught me and I got out with just a bruised shoulder. Had he not caught me I’d have fallen on the restaurant tile floor. I am not young and I probably would have been hurt much more.
This man was clearly impaired and had it been the women’s room & he smashed into me there, I would have been badly hurt having no one to catch me. Hard to believe you have to be ready to be possibly assaulted by large men now in the ladies room! And yes, I’ve been in ladies room with women that were ‘impaired’ …. I never felt then like I’d be injured. NC Dems do not care one bit about our Mothers, daughters and sisters. Happy Mother’s Day from NC Dems!
From above: it was an over 6 FOOT TALL man, probably 6’2″ or 6’3″….
You don’t explain if this was intentional or a drunk which could just as easily been any other drunk citizen regardless of gender.
I don’t see the point you’re trying to make?
My debate is not that all transgender citizens are perfect but they are entitied to the same respect and citizenship rights as you or I.
So how do you know if someone is transgender or a predator ?? If someone is a true transgender it won’t matter, they will look like their chosen gender,it is the sicko rapist, child molester who will slip through these loopholes!! That’s what we women are afraid of .
Remember, Lonnie the misogynist child abuser and his fellow gaystapo goose-stepper bigot thugs can’t answer the facts, as laid out in this 23-minute long list of offenses committed by the kind of sex offenders stuff like their Charlotte ordinance was intended to enable:
I say we post this video and others like it every time Lonnie or any of his parrots and sock puppets starts mindlessly repeating his lies.
Hey Lonnie, nice hypocritical spotlight fallacy you’ve employed there. How’s about we shed some light on where the greatest number of sexual predators really are? Namely, the evil left-wing brainwashing centers euphemistically referred to as public schools:
Of course, this HUGE list includes lots of other kinds of crimes too, but search for the word “sex” using your browser, and see if you can ever finish clicking through all the examples of sex crimes committed by (mainly) school teachers and (sometimes) students in Lonnie’s beloved government-run hellholes. Clearly, leftard institutions are statistically the most likely of all to be hunting grounds for sexual predators, since they are primed to provide these molesters and rapists with the greatest opportunities to prey upon children. Not the Catholic Church, not the most crooked televangelists, not even the HRC or ACLU can begin to hold a candle to how much sexual predation on children the child-abusing leftards have perpetrated in government schools.
Forget it, Amelie. Lonnie is a hateful misogynist bigot who insists that girls and women should just shut up and try to enjoy being molested so that 0.3% (at most) of the population can feel slightly more comfortable using the wrong bathroom.
Hey Lonnie,
That useless piece of flesh,Ostupid’s attorney general won’t have a job much longer, so your bad news won’t bother me much longer.Eric Holder the former crooked attorney general refused to do anything about the IRS.Then your buddies,Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel both don’t pay their taxes and got away with it.Hillary is as guilty as sin,but Ostupid won’t do anything about it.The last 2 Gimmedat Govenors should be in jail.Franklin Raines stole over 90 million dollars and got away with it.How do you look in the mirror and get on this site and take up for these disgusting bunch of crooks.I think anybody that knows you knows you are nothing but an apologist for Gimmedat crooks
Lying Lonnie,
Remember when the Lying Ostupid was running for President? He said he believed marriage should be between a man an a women.Then he ignored all the votes against queer marriage and got it passed anyway.He is the only person I know that can out lie you.This was also the genius that said he had been to all 57 states.How do you two love queers and Muslims when the Muslims will kill them all? Remember when that little killer was the head of Iran and said they didn’t have any queers and the ignorant press laughed and laughed.They are so stupid they didn’t know he was having them all killed.These same idiot queers are afraid of Christians? You ignorant queer lovers are so dumb it is like the Jews would be loving the Nazi’s and hating the Baptists.
(CNN)Sergeant 1st Class Charles Martland, the Green Beret being separated involuntarily from the U.S. Army for kicking and body slamming an Afghan police commander he describes as a “brutal child rapist,” began telling his side of the story Monday.
Martland is under a gag order imposed by the Pentagon, but at the request of Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, he wrote a statement detailing his actions on Sept. 6, 2011, which was obtained by CNN.
“Kicking me out of the army is morally wrong and the entire country knows it,” Martland writes. Last week the Army rejected his appeal.
Martland and former Captain Daniel Quinn were disciplined by the Army after they beat a powerful local police official who they concluded had been raping a small boy. They say they had been encouraged by higher-ups that there was nothing to do about such horrific acts, that these were Afghan problems for the Afghan authorities to work out.
But the Afghan authorities wouldn’t do anything about it, the two soldiers say.
“Our ALP (Afghan Local Police) were committing atrocities and we were quickly losing the support of the local populace,” Martland writes in his statement. “The severity of the rapes and the lack of action by the Afghan Government caused many of the locals to view our ALP as worse than the Taliban.”
Quinn and Martland were told by a young Afghan boy and his mother, through an Afghan interpreter, that the boy had been tied to a post at the home of Afghan Local Police commander Abdul Rahman and raped repeatedly for up to two weeks. When his mother tried to stop the attacks, they told the soldiers, Rahman’s brother beat her. Quinn says he verified the story with other ALP commanders from neighboring villages. Then they invited Rahman to the camp.
“After the child rapist laughed it off and referenced that it was only a boy, Captain Quinn picked him up and threw him,” Martland writes. Martland then proceeded to “body slam him multiple times,” kick him in the rib cage, and put his foot on his neck. “I continued to body slam him and throw him for fifty meters until he was outside the camp,” Martland writes. “He was never knocked out, and he ran away from our camp.” The incident lasted no more than five minutes, he says.
Quinn told CNN’s “The Lead” last week “We basically had to make sure that he fully understood that if he ever went near that boy or his mother again, there was going to be hell to pay.”
“While I understand that a military lawyer can say that I was legally wrong, we felt a moral obligation to act,” Martland writes.
Quinn told CNN that they took the action they took because otherwise nothing would be done by the Army or local authorities. “The reason we weren’t able to step in with these local rape cases was we didn’t want to undermine the authority of the local government,” he said. “We were trying to build up the local government. Us acting after the local government fails to can certainly undermine their credibility.”
The Pentagon denies that telling soldiers to look the other way is official practice.
This is the kind of stuff Lying Lonnie says is this sick freaks civil rights.
We could end a lot of this nonsense by simply making these Dem’s practice what they are trying to force on the rest of us. Let them take their wives, daughters, etc., etc., to a public restroom and have some one of the opposite sex who is dressed as a woman go in there with them and make them be photographed, videoed, or whatever else these idiots want to do. Maybe, maybe, they will then realize that it’s not a matter of discrimination towards these people who think they are the opposite sex, it’s just that most women want to use the bathroom without feeling like they are being watched by someone they don’t know and are of the opposite sex. We need to stand together and stop letting these idiots who hold public offices make us do what amounts to a handful of people demanding that it’s their way or else. We vote for them, get them out of office. Demand that they uphold the laws that protect the majority of Americans as a whole, not just those who choose to be different.
When Trump purchased and rebuilt Mar-A-Lago, the grand mansion and estate in Palm Beach, Florida, he got into a dispute with the city fathers who are well known for being strict on zoning regulations.
Trump put up a 50-foot flag pole even though 30 feet is the maximum allowed to not be overly patriotic and offend other nationalities.
The city imposed a $1,000 per day fine while Trump and city officials argued back and forth. Finally, when the fine had reached a total of $120,000 Trump proposed a solution.
He would donate that amount to veteran’s organizations, would move the flag to a different spot in front of the mansion, and would only use a 30 foot flagpole.
The city agreed. So Trump brought in the company that does his golf course construction, had them build a 20-foot high grassy hill, and put the 30-foot flag pole on top of that.
Now, would you rather have Trump negotiating an Iranian deal, or any deal or would you rather have Hillary….? Just saying….The part I find interesting is the city idiots did not won’t to offend other nationalities.We should not worry about offending anybody with our flag in our country,or what used to be our country.
Hey Richard Crainium Lonnie,
A normal person doesn’t have a civil right to go in any bathroom or they didn’t until the rich queers started paying off the Gimmedat party.Why is it a civil right for mentally sick people to go in any bathroom they feel like.They need mental councilers,not special rights.
Bless your heart, you’re going to have a stroke, calm down, angry people make poor decisions. Learn the facts, change the channel and quit being a sucker to right wing propaganda.
Bless your heart calm down,you idiot.The Radical Left’s war on Christianity has undermined Christians’ Religious Liberties in the church, at home, and on the job:
I’am not calling you an idiot because I have anger.I’am calling you an idiot because you are an idiot.
*** In Coeur d’Alene, ID, city ordinances are forcing pastors to perform homosexual “marriages” or go to jail.
And the IRS even cut a secret deal agreeing to monitor churches’ sermons, a clear step towards muzzling all speech they disagree with.
*** In Phoenix, AZ. a man was arrested for hosting a Bible study on his own property.
The Radical Left’s efforts to destroy the Christian culture of America has gone beyond the public square, and into our own homes.
*** Christian-owned businesses are being slammed with expensive lawsuits and backbreaking fines.
The Radical Left is bombarding the economic liberty of Christian entrepreneurs through government overregulation and the threat of heavy fines for refusing to submit to the redefinition of marriage.
And to add insult to injury, lobbyists for the Radical Left are paid off with your tax dollars!
That’s right, anti-Christian groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Human Rights Campaign receive millions from the government.
Hundreds of millions of tax dollars flow to anti-Christian activists through funding for so-called “civil rights” programs and “research grants” — and I’ve read in the paper that cash even went to build a strip club!
And they use these programs and grants to help anti-Christian leftists lobby government to punish individuals for peacefully practicing their Christian faith.
Hey stupid Lonnie,
I just answered all that crap of yours .How is my and millions of others life’s affected by the location of aircraft carriers? Have you ever heard of Pearl Harbor?The carriers were lined up just like now when the Japanese came a bombed the hell out of them.Did you sleep through history class in grade school or did you even go.I guess you were in the girls locker room that day.How many times does an idiot have to be told it is not Transgenders in the bathrooms that is the problem.Target is telling men that they can go in women’s bathroom, period. Do you read anything or are you just too stupid to comprehend it?
Mrs. Clinton is a deviant of the highest class.
In her 30+ years in the public eye she’s been tied to a far-reaching number of scandals and illicit activities. That’s why when you see how she’s been tied directly to helping Russians obtain radioactive uranium you’re going to wonder if this a conspiracy gone too far.
Alas it isn’t as even Pulitzer prize winning journalists at the New York Times are saddened to admit it’s true.
What happened exactly?
Looks like Bill and Hillary helped a Canadian company open a mine so they could then sell uranium to the Russians without obstruction.
Breitbart writes:
For more than a year, the mainstream media has failed to ask Hillary Clinton some very basic questions about a series of extremely troubling deals. Why?
Last Spring, my book Clinton Cash was released and it initially set off a media maelstrom. It began on April 19, 2015, with a leaked copy of the book going to the New York Times. The copy was not sent by me or my publisher. If the Clintons leaked the book with the hope of having it prematurely dismissed, that proved to be a mistake. The paper called the book “the most anticipated and feared book” of the political season. The Times went on to note that the book was hardly a hysterical attack on the Clintons, but rather, “mainly in the voice of a neutral journalist” who “meticulously documents his sources, including tax records and government documents.”
Things got worse for the Clintons a few days later when two New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporters, Jo Becker and Mike McIntire, took two of the most explosive chapters in the book and did their own digging. What they found confirmed what I had reported. They ran a 3,000-word, front-page article in the paper confirming that:
–Bill and Hillary Clinton had helped a Canadian financier named Frank Giustra and a small Canadian company obtain a lucrative uranium mining concession from the dictator in Kazakhstan;
–The same Canadian company, renamed Uranium One, bought uranium concessions in the United States;
–The Russian government came calling and sought to buy that Canadian company for a price that would mean big profits for the Canadian investors;
–For the Russians to buy that Canadian company, it would require the approval of the Obama administration, including Hillary’s State Department, because uranium is a strategically important commodity;
–Nine shareholders in Uranium One just happened to provide more than $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation in the run-up to State Department approval;
–Some of the donations, including those from the Chairman of Uranium One, Ian Teler, were kept secret, even though the Clintons promised to disclose all donations;
–Hillary’s State Department approved the deal;
–The Russian government now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets.
In short, here was what you might call a radioactive scandal. It included secret donations, the Russian government, foreign financiers, more than $145 million, and Bill and Hillary Clinton. And this was just two chapters of the book.
And yet, one year later, Hillary Clinton has never once been asked about this controversial uranium deal by the national media. It never came up during the many Democratic Party presidential debates; never during any of her media appearances on cable news or network television; never by print journalists who are covering her campaign.
The single time she was asked about the uranium deal was by a local reporter in New Hampshire. In June 2015, she sat down with Josh McElveen of local television WMUR. Kudos to McElveen, who raised the uranium deal during the interview. Hillary’s response was evasive. She tried to obscure the facts. She argued that as Secretary of State she was unaware of the deal. She also claimed that the flow of money and the transfer of the uranium were not connected because the timing “doesn’t work.” She claimed that the money flowed from the Canadians to the Clinton Foundation before she was Secretary of State.
This is flat out untrue. As I reported, and the New York Times confirmed, the chairman of Uranium One, Ian Telfer, was making donations to the Clinton Foundation at the time that the State Department was reviewing the sale to Russia. Those donations were kept secret by the Clinton Foundation. Remember: the Clintons had promised President Obama and the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee that they would disclose all donations.
It is remarkable that in the year following the release of Clinton Cash and a 3,000-word article on the front page of the New York Times confirming these facts, that no one in the media (save Mr. McElveen) has been interested in asking Hillary Clinton about this troubling uranium deal.
You’re likely feeling a mix of emotions right now.
Rage Mrs. Clinton has brokered another backroom deal where the United States is coming out the loser in a scary game. You’re frustrated she’s been shown to be anything but trustworthy and yet she’s the leading candidate for the Democrat party and you’re probably livid to think this uranium could end up in the hands of some very dangerous people.
All of those feelings are valid.
We can only hope this story doesn’t remain hidden as the march towards November keeps moving forward.
How exactly do you feel about hearing this?
This is how low the Gimmedat scum will go.This is what they are doing to Christians but not to Muslims.
1996-2016 The Washington Post
IRS agrees to monitor churches for electioneering
By Kimberly Winston | Religion News Service July 21, 2014
The Internal Revenue Service said it will monitor churches and other houses of worship for electioneering in a settlement reached with an atheist group.
The settlement was reached Friday (July 18) in federal court in Madison, Wis., where the initial lawsuit was filed in 2012 by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based atheist advocacy group that claims 20,000 members nationwide.
The suit alleged the IRS routinely ignored complaints by the FFRF and others about churches promoting political candidates, issues or proposed legislation. As part of their tax-exempt status, churches and other religious groups are prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity.
At the time the suit was filed, the IRS maintained it was not ignoring complaints of electioneering, but had failed to hire an official to investigate church politicking, which it had been ordered to do in 2009 as the result of another lawsuit.
“This is a victory, and we’re pleased with this development in which the IRS has proved to our satisfaction that it now has in place a protocol to enforce its own anti-electioneering provisions,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF’s co-president.
However, under the current congressional investigation of the IRS for improperly monitoring conservative groups, there is a moratorium on all IRS investigations. Still, Gaylor said the suit may be revived if the IRS fails to police what she called “rogue political churches” after the moratorium is lifted.
Do you understand the importance of separation of church and state?
Iran has a Theoracy America has a Democratic Republic.
Still got nothing, huh, Lonnie?
Lying Lonnie,
America now has a dictatorship.Islam is now being taught in public schools,but if you mention anything about Christianity the so called Dept.of Justice will be all over you.Thats what atheists like Lonnie think is separation of church of state.Trump will reverse everything this crowd of Muslims and perverts have done.
There are programs in publics schools which teach a course in world religions , Christianity, Hindu, Buddism and Islam.
This is the only teaching of Islam I know of in public schools.
Seperation of church and state prohibits the teaching of religion in public schools but believers of religon are free to pray or individually practice their religion in public schools be it Christianity or Islam. School officials may not participate or allow school property ( mic, public address system ) to be used.
What ever Christians are legally allowed so are believers of Islam or any other faith.
Lying Lonnie,caught you in another whopper.If you don’t believe Huffington Post there are about 10 more links,I can send.I can’t tell if you love to lie or you are so misinformed you don’t know any better.Muslim Students Allowed To Pray In Maryland High School If Grades Are Good
01/30/2013 03:30 pm ET | Updated Jan 31, 2013
2.8 K
Meredith Bennett-Smith
A Maryland public school has drawn attention for its attempt to accommodate Muslim students’ religious needs.
Parkdale High School in Prince George’s County, Md., has begun to allow a small group of high-achieving Muslim students out of class for about eight minutes each day to pray together on campus, reports the Washington Post.
In order to qualify for the privilege, students must get parental permission and good grades, according to Parkdale Principal Cheryl J. Logan.
The First Amendment protects the separation of church and state, but it guarantees students are allowed to practice their faith, The Tennessean reported in 2012.
Hedy Weinberg, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee, told The Tennessean that while schools may restrict how and where students choose to exercise their religious rights, a school may not stop students from doing so.
“Public schools cannot prevent students from expressing religious faith while on school property,” she said.
The Department of Education agrees:
It has long been established that schools have the discretion to dismiss students to off-premises religious instruction, provided that schools do not encourage or discourage participation in such instruction or penalize students for attending or not attending. Similarly, schools may excuse students from class to remove a significant burden on their religious exercise, where doing so would not impose material burdens on other students.
Still, the attempts of some American schools to accommodate the prayer needs of Muslim students has been met with resistance from parents of other faiths.
Last year a Green Bay, Wis., school district was criticized for allowing Muslim students, many of them recent immigrants, to use empty classrooms to pray during breaks, according to The Christian Post. And the mere possibility that some Muslim students would be getting similar accommodations in a district in Pennsylvania was enough to draw protest from parents, according to The Patriot-News.
In 2007, a San Diego, Calif., elementary stopped allowing its Muslim students a special prayer break after the effort drew international headlines, according to 10News.
Parkdale High’s new measure has drawn the ire of conservative bloggers, like the virulently anti-Islamic Pamela Geller, whose Atlas Shrugs blog referred to the Maryland district’s initiative as “Mosqueing the Public School.” However, Parkdale’s Principal Logan didn’t bend to the inflammatory rhetoric.
Logan also said that when the school’s plan was implemented, she initially heard grumbling from some Christian teachers, who reportedly told students Parkdale was “a Christian school.
I believe this is the same thing I said in my post.
Lying Lonnie,
Tell me where in this country,Christian kids can get up and leave the class to go to a room to pray.There used to be prayers before sporting events at schools,now it would probably alright with Lonnie and the ACLU if it were a Muslim prayer.
Seperation of church applies to all religions
Lying Lonnie,
Then answer the question.
This is in a California school.Told you Lonnie was a liar and an anti-Semite.Course has 7th-graders memorizing Koran verses, praying to Allah In the wake of Sept. 11, an increasing number of California public school students must attend an intensive three-week course on Islam, reports ASSIST News Service.
The course mandates that seventh-graders learn the tenets of Islam, study the important figures of the faith, wear a robe, adopt a Muslim name and stage their own jihad. Adding to this apparent hypocrisy, reports ANS, students must memorize many verses in the Koran, are taught to pray “in the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful” and are instructed to chant, “Praise to Allah, Lord of Creation.”
“We could never teach Christianity like this,” one outraged parent told ANS. Elizabeth Christina Lemings, a teacher in the Byron, Calif., Union School District, was unaware of the course until her seventh-grade son brought home the handouts. Obtained by ANS, the handouts include a history of Islam and the life of Muhammad, its founder. There are 25 Islamic terms that must be memorized, six Islamic (Arabic) phrases, 20 Islamic proverbs to learn along with the Five Pillars of Faith and 10 key Islamic prophets and disciples to be studied.
This is also true in Minnesota:
I guess this just goes to show that if you want leftards like Lonnie to respect your religious liberties, you have to terrorize them with bombings and decapitations the way Muslims do. Special Snowflakes and Commie Crybullies and Socialist Jack Wagons are impervious to all logic and reasoning, but murder a few cartoonists and defenestrate a few perverts, and spineless bathroom bandit quislings like Lonnie will throw their own fellow gaystapo goose-steppers under the bus and start putting on burqas to appease you.
Bet old Lonnie would be cute in a Burqas.Especially in a Target bathroom.Boycott is up to 1,197,000.Go to afa.net and sign the Target boycott and send it to everybody you know.
Target feels the heat.Bathroom Policy Grows, Target Agrees To Meet With Group Leading Boycott.
Target’s stock has fallen nearly 7 percent.
Tough luck Lonnie,have you noticed Lowe’s,Wells Fargo,American Airlines,PayPal,Apple,Cisco,and the rest of the queer CEO’s have shut up since they saw what happened to Target.Guess you will have to stay out of the girls bathroom after all.