Survey Covers Voter Sentiment on a Range of Issues, State and Nationwide Races
Raleigh — A new Civitas poll reveals how voters in NC currently feel about leading presidential and statewide candidates, including strong support for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act (HB2).
Civitas President Francis De Luca said, “This is our first statewide poll of all likely voters in 2016 and this month’s results show that in the contest for president, while Republicans have not solidified behind a nominee, their voters have also not consolidated around candidates at the top or down ballot races in North Carolina. On the Democrat side, presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton is far less popular than her main rival and performs worse in head-to-head match ups against the two leading Republican candidates. In local North Carolina politics, voters still support the efforts of the governor and the legislature in passing House Bill 2, Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, and oppose the actions the city of Charlotte took in passing its original ordinance.”
He continued, “It should go without saying, but it is only April, November is a lifetime away in political time, and the legislature just started its short session. As the turbulence in this election cycle continues, I expect to see more swings in voters’ attitudes.”
The poll surveyed 600 likely voters, 30 percent on cell phones. The margin of error was plus/minus 4 percent. The survey was taken April 23-25, 2016.
To view all questions and results, click here.
Cross tabs available here.
Civitas conducts the only regular live-caller voting in North Carolina, and we are the only organization offering independent, nonpartisan data on current opinion. In our more than a decade of polling we have provided vital insights on what North Carolina voters truly think of the leaders and issues facing the state and nation.
For more information, or to schedule an interview with Civitas President Francis De Luca, email Demi Dowdy at or call 919.747.8059.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. To that end, Civitas develops and advocates for conservative policy solutions to improve the lives of all North Carolinians.
Popular opinion does not over ride individual freedom, human rights or civil rights.
Believers of Judism, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Athiest, Mormons and Hindu have the same religous freedom as Evangelicals.
LBGT citizens have the same human rights as Larry.
“Those people” are also “real Americans” with the same rights as Larry.
Yet the comfort of roughly 1 out of every 2,400 people with delusions of being the opposite of their biological sex is somehow is more important than the safety of about half the population whose bathrooms and locker rooms and changing rooms you Lawless Godless Bathroom Trolls gaystapo goose-steppers insist on invading, right, you hypocritical and hateful misogynist?
Lonnie, you leftards suck at logic, just like everything else.
Lying tranny busted for lying:
Of course, as pointed out in the comments, this fool lies to himself about his sex all the time, so why wouldn’t he lie about this sort of thing to others as well?
Bonus question: if you insist on “identifying” as something other than human, do you forfeit your human rights?
I mean, technically, if biology is just a social construct, then it’s not really cannibalism if someone kills this guy and cooks him and eats him, since he “identifies” as a penguin…. right?
Civitas Institue identifies with the family values on people like Pinto.
Is this really the society you want?
Larry and Demi
When former Speaker of the House Republican Dennis Hastert gets out of prison he will be able to use the men’s restroom along side little boys? What will Civitas Institute do to protect little boys from conservative predators, which is a factual much larger problem than transgender citizens?
Trying to distract us from your hypocrisy and bigotry, gaystapo goose-stepper? When are you leftards going to stop re-electing convicted molesters like Gerry Studds, Barney Frank, and Joseph Morrissey?
Keeping fascist sex-offender-enablers like you and your beloved Lawless Godless Bathroom Trolls out of power and under scrutiny for the child-abusing criminals you are? Yes, I think people will support that by a landslide.
Number of people who pledge to boycott Target for its sex-offender-enabling policies as of this writing: 1,135,964.
Stock market losses for Target due to boycott: $1.5 billion.
Proof that a HUGE majority of people agree that ours is the society they want, and we should not endanger half the population just to indulge a vanishingly tiny minority’s retarded delusions of being the other sex: priceless.
Remember, Lonnie insists that these facts are a “false narrative” while never offering so much as a single refutation to any of them:
All evidence points to tranny-pandering laws like the Charlotte ordinance doing far more to enable sex offenders than to provide any comfort to mentally ill individuals with delusions of being the other sex. What facts do you offer for your false narrative, Lonnie? Of course, you never offer any because you don’t have any. All the facts point to you child-abusing goose-stepping leftards being the real menace to society, and our being its protectors.
Remember, HB2 doesn’t regulate private businesses like Target. That’s why it’s still free to endanger so many girls and women the way it already has:
HB2 is also the reason why no one can force other businesses in North Carolina to adopt Target’s bigoted misogynist policies the way convicted sex offenders like the one who helped write Charlotte’s evil ordinance tried to do. Lyin’ Lonnie hates civil and economic liberties such as these and wants to take them away because like all other gaystapo goose-steppers, he’s also a totalitarian control freak.
Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities”
Demi Dowdy
Conservatives are becoming more and more bigoted, meaner, with having less humanity, misinformed by conservative propaganda, do nothing to make government work or to ever allow Republicans to win the Whitehouse. The Jim Crow era politics is only selling to old white guys and a few old white women in the former slave states.
You folks cannot gerrymander the presidential election. The American President is elected by electoral votes, not by square miles.
Here are the facts below.
As I expected: no facts, no reason, no logic, nothing but mindless spewing of mindless leftard propaganda from Lyin’ Lonnie the child-abusing misogynist bigot.
Oh yes, you know how Chad Sevearance, who wrote Charlotte’s evil ordinance, is a convicted sex offender, right? Did you know that Terry Bean, who founded the HRC, one the humanity-hating goose-stepping gaystapo hate groups attacking HB2 right now, is also a child molester who bribed his victim to drop the case against him?
You know, tranny delusions are pretty awful, but the vast majority of that vanishing minority are a danger mostly only to themselves. (Being disillusioned of their delusions tends to cause trannies to commit suicide.) The real danger to everyone (male and female alike) is clearly from hate groups run by far-left sexual predators, such as NAMBLA, GLSEN, HRC, the ACLU, the SPLC, and the DNC… to name just a few.
Of course, leftards have a long history of coddling sex offenders, don’t they?
I don’t know who anybody the people you mention are but I do know who Dennis Hastert is , the Republican Speaker of the House.
People continue to vote against Target’s fascist sex-offender-enabling policies with their feet; corporate loss now stands at $2.5 billion.
It’s not my fault you can’t read and don’t recognize your own party’s sex offenders, Lonnie.
Public soundly rejects Lonnie’s position:
13 Democrats who weren’t certain that the APA should be condemned for trying to normalize child molestation:
Abercrombie, Allen, Baird, Conyers, Delahunt, Filner, Frank (MA), Hastings (FL), E.B. Johnson, Mink, Moran (VA), Stark, Strickland.
By the way, Lonnie, your favorite group is hurt that you don’t remember them, considering that they’ve been one of your perverted agenda’s biggest supporters all along.
Also, your fellow goose-stepperFloyd Corkins is really miffed that you never call and never write.
Absurd false narratives, when the real danger is much closer.
Looks like the Hate Bill 2 backfired for conservatives.
Another one of Lyin’ Lonnies the misogynist bigot’s butt buddies:
A Florida woman approached by a man holding a basket full of razors in the bikini section of a Target store caught him on camera, she said.
Candice Spivey recognized Jeffrey Polizzi, 31, last week at the Jacksonville-area Target as the same creep who asked her indecent questions at a grocery store two years ago, according to the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office.
Polizzi, who was convicted of video voyeurism in 2009, could be seen on Spivey’s cell phone video telling her, “You want to make sure it’s not too sheer or clear.”
Polizzi reacted in horror when she asked him if he remembered the earlier encounter. He dropped the basket, ran out of the store and sprinted out of the parking lot as Spivey yelled, “Get this guy! Stop him! Stop this guy! Call the cops!”
“Under Target’s new policy, this creep could have been hanging out in the ladies female-ish gendered room, no problem.”
New app to help fight back against Lonnie’s favorite misogynistic sex-offender-enabling rape apologists:
Planet Fitness ties itself in knots trying to defend its sex-offender-enabling tranny-pandering:
Camille Paglia calls far too late for a return to sanity:
The bill North Carolina’s people overwhelmingly support, which Lonnie and his fellow goose-steppers don’t want you to read:
Why Lonnie and the liars at the CNO would rather you forget who Chad Sevearance is:
Mirror of video full of inconvenient facts that lying Lonnie and his fellow goose-steppers are trying to get censored because they can’t answer it:
Homosexual slaughtered by a mob. Lonnie & Co. silent:
All left-wing ideology neatly summed up in one headline:
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.
Now that HB2 has helped us beat back the evil Charlotte ordinance, I recommend we start drawing up our own version of Alabama’s SB143 to privatize marriage and overturn the evil SCOTUS ruling’s un-Constitutional endorsement of the sodomites’ counterfeit of marriage:
Voltaire: “The Jews are the most imbecile people on the face of the earth, enemies of mankind, most obtuse, cruel absurd… In short, we find in them only an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are tolerated and enriched.”
Yes, I guess believing absurdities like that really can make you commit atrocities, can’t it?
Voltaire: “You [Jews] have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.”
Adolf Hitler: “A reading of the polemical writings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, or of the conversations between Frederick 11 and Voltaire, inspires one with shame at our low intellectual level, especially amongst the military.”
Are you one of the paid staff writers at Civitas Institute? Your comments certainly represent conservative thinking and values.
That’s all you’ve got to say, eh, troll bot? Your inane postings certainly represent leftard thoughtlessness and lack of ethical standing.
You are losing Lying Lonnie and so is Target.Wells Fargo has been running their mouths,so I think they should be next.
Recent polls have shown that Americans’ feelings toward open-bathroom policies have hardened significantly in the month of April, with support for the open-bathrooms concept falling by more than 20 percentage points.
Amid the turmoil surrounding the new policy and the immediate abuse of it in Missouri, the company’s stock fell from $84.10 per share on April 19 to roughly $79.36 as of Friday morning. That loss of $4.74 per share, if constant, would represent a corporate loss of over $2.5 billion.
The petition (you can sign it here) represents far more than just the 1 million people who have signed it. Not included in that number are the dependent consumers of those signers—mothers, fathers, husbands, wives and children—whose sustenance will no longer be found at Target. It represents the thousands of people who no longer have an interest in holding Target’s stock in their investment portfolio.
Opinion polls do not over ride individual freedom, human rights or civil rights.
Believers of Judaism, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Atheist, Mormons and Hindu have the same religious freedom as Evangelicals.
“Real Americans” are not just white, older, evangelical, straight, non union, Republican men.
Epic fail for Target:
Epic fail for Lonnie’s false narrative:
I’m tired of hearing how “transgenders” are being discriminated against by the HB 2. What about my right to feel safe and comfortable in public restrooms? And I sure don’t want men to be in the restroom with my two young grand daughters. If we allow you to go in any restroom that you want, why even have separate restrooms? The peeping Toms and perverts can just say they identify as female so they can go right in the woman’s restroom. I am a Christian, and I do not hate anyone who is gay, transgender, or what ever. But I am tired of having these issues shoved in my face and you all trying to force everyone to accept your way of life. God does not make mistakes. If you were born a male, you are a male. If you were born a female, you are a female. Christians and those with good morals are the ones who are be discriminated!
I hope Gov. McCrory stands his ground on the HB2. We need more people with good moral standards!
Were you afraid to go into a public restroom before the HB2 bill was passed?
What changed ?
How is HB 2 being enforced?
Fear and is all that has changed as right wing groups hype fear and bigotry against a group of citizens that are no threat to you or your grandchildren.
Bernie will win because his plan is to create a more fair playing field for all. While Trump and Hillary are out for the 1%.( themselves) USA has fallen to be # 25 in the list of developed nations OECD
socialist nations are doing much better in education, quality of life, sense of well-being. All this, due to the Clinton repealing the Glass Steagall Act that protected its citizens against the 1% who have created disparity between the rich and the poor.
Opinion polls do not over ride individual freedom, human rights or civil rights.
Believers of Judaism, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Atheist, Mormons and Hindu have the same religious freedom as Evangelicals.
“Real Americans” are not just white, older, evangelical, straight, non union, Republican men.
I support Trump, he is like adolf hitler.
I hate women, I like Donald Trump.
We cannot let Clinton win this election, she is a fucking child murderer she plans on destroying our 2nd Amendment. You all call yourselves Americans, I call y’all fucking assess if you let a fucking female that has no clue what she is doing run for president we have much better women that can do much better for our country, our nation better than her. Please reconsider your thoughts and save your country from a living hell. Thank you.