Governor Roy Cooper has just vetoed his first bill, HB 100.
The legislation would return party labels to judicial races in North Carolina.
Judges, just like everyone else, are political. They are either liberal or conservative. Party labels give voters valuable information about who a judge is and how they are likely to act. Since most judicial races are between largely unknown candidates, party affiliation is a crucial piece of information.
Often, voters will leave judicial elections blank rather than choosing between candidates at random: In fact, 800,000 fewer people voted in the 2016 election for state Supreme Court that in the presidential race. Roy Cooper knows returning party labels to judicial races will result in more people voting for judges.
This is bad news for liberals.
Roy Cooper led the charge to remove party labels from judicial election ballots as a state Senator in the 1990’s, so of course he would veto this bill.
We already know the legislature is going to override this veto, but let’s send a message to Cooper and tell him:
Really…do you think we are fools!
NC Civitas has lost all credibility. Simply a whacko partisan extremist mouthpiece.
Thank God for Civitas
George,we don’t think we know.Its better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
No, knowing party affiliation is a shortcut that doesn’t really tell voters anything of substance. The voter information flyers sent out before every election give enough information about judicial candidates that we can form a rational, intelligent decision. We can read and make up our minds. Judges should be above partisan politics.
Thank goodness we have veto-proof majorites in both houses. This and his stance on HB2 are proof of who Roy Cooper really, a power hungry liberal.
Party affiliation of judges, especially on the state level is very important.
I laugh at the comment Katherine left stating “judges should be above partisan politics”. We can sit back with our heads in the sand and will certainly awake to the reality that judges are loyal to their parties and will render rulings accordingly. My opinion and I’m sticking to it!