As over 50 young school children watched from outside the General Assembly building, LGBT groups held a press conference to voice opposition to a special session that would address the Charlotte bathroom ordinance that would allow boys to invade girls’ bathrooms.
Representatives from Equality NC, the Charlotte City Council, and the ACLU addressed members of the media not 20 feet from a large group of kids waiting to enter the General Assembly building.
I do not envy the teachers who will have to explain to these children, who appeared to be no more than 8 years old, why men and women were gathering to threaten the safety and comfort of children and women in public restrooms.
Common Core math isn’t confusing enough- now teachers have to explain away the common-sense notion that men should not be able to enter women’s restrooms?
The left has no common sense on anything.
What happened to getting government out of our lives?
Why would want a bearded masculine transgender woman in a women’s restroom?
Who and how will this be enforced, toilet cameras? Right wingers are creepy, why such an interest in the plumbing of the person I the next stall?
What happened to all that feigned concern for women’s privacy you leftards used to have?
Why else would you gaystapo goose-steppers want a hairy dude who says he’s a woman in a women’s restroom swinging his dick around but to have government meddling in everyone’s business like the meddlesome fascists you are?
How were you perverts planning on enforcing your unconstitutional ordinance, toilet cameras? Left wingers are all such creepy voyeurs, molesters, and rapists! Why such a scatological interest in the seeing footage of women taking a dump, Lonnie, you leering pervert?
Charlotte city government started this mess.And the Governor got Charlotte government out of our lives.Tough luck,False Narriative.