The media has begun to report on today’s pro-HB2 rally at the State Capitol.
Not surprisingly, their initial take is far from accurate. Reports of “dueling protests” and “squaring off” do not give an honest picture of the events of today. Well over 500 men, women and children were in attendance to hear from Rev. Mark Creech, John Ruston, Kami Mueller, and Jason and David Benham.
It is worth noting that there were very large groups of students and several families with young chilldren part of the crowd who rallied to show their support for HB2.
And the opposing protest was composed of no more than 50 adult activists.
Yes. Yes, they will; just as they regularly ignore the goose-stepping gaystapo’s long trail of tranny criminality and misogyny:
I guess old Lonnie was there taking pictures of all the scapegoats and false narratives.90% of the media is very corrupt.
Like many Americans, I am sick and tired of a small minority of people trying to force their liberal ideas down my throat. Enough is enough.
Another “business” withdraws from North Carolina. Uh oh! We’re in trouble now:
Please don’t fling us in that there briar patch! Oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE don’t fling us in that there briar patch!