I have seen it all, now. When a Congressman won’t let a constituent speak at a town hall until he checks their ID, what have we come to? Northern Virginian Congressman Jim Moran (D-VA) did just that at a town hall on Obamacare KennedyCare this week. (Unfortunately for him, the camera was there too.)
Now, you might say that this is just an isolated incident. Wrong, it get worse. Congressman Eugene Green (D-TX) required ID’s to be checked at the door to be admitted to the town hall he had two weeks ago.
Aren’t these the same guys that vote against voter ID at the polls on election day?
(So its OK for anybody to vote in an election without proof of identity but we can’t let them ask their congressman a question?)
This got me to thinking about whether this any ID provisions in the Obamacare bill. NRO says no:
“While there is language in the House bill requiring that their incomes be verified, there is no requirement that their identity or citizenship be confirmed before they receive taxpayer-subsidized health benefits. I guess it is just too much to ask that the federal government check citizenship status (as private employers are required to do before hiring an employee).”
Just another case of “Do as I say, not as I do.” I wonder why all of those people at the town halls are so mad?
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