Since there is snow on the ground and there were flakes in the air when I came back from lunch I had to put up a link to our Global Warming Protest Post from early February. It is funny, cute and like really good humor, grounded in truth! Enjoy.
But while your shivering there are plenty of legislators who want your electric bills to go up. The sponsors of Senate Bill 341 and House Bill 340 want to force the electric companies to stop using a certain type of coal and pass the higher cost on to the consumer (you). Read the last paragraph in the bill for the important information:
37 "§ 62-133.10. Cost recovery for incremental cost of certain coal mining methods.
38 The Commission shall, upon petition of an electric public utility, approve an annual rider to
39 the electric public utility's rates to recover all reasonable and prudent incremental costs incurred
40 by each investor-owned public utility that operates a coal-fired generating unit located in North
41 Carolina for purchasing or using coal…
This is another example of our state government raising the prices on the poor. I find it ironic that the legislature is considering this regressive tax that will increase suffering for the poor, the very constituency that they claim to protect.
Remember the words of Joe Biden concerning “clean coal” when speaking to a lady in Pennsylvania. He wasn’t kidding. They (the democrat party) fully intend to shut down coal-powered plants slowly and surely if not sooner.