A new radio ad from our friends at Americans for Prosperity praises Senator Elizabeth Dole for her position supporting new drilling for oil in the US. The ad singles out her Gas Price Reduction Act. (Read the bill for yourself here. )
The bill calls for deep water oil exploration off the coast of North Carolina as well as developing more oil shale in the western US and more nuclear energy.
While Congress has adjourned for the summer break without addressing gas prices, Republicans are still holding speeches in Congress on the energy issue.
Dole is on firm ground with this issue. Civitas polling on the question clearly shows that North Carolina’s voters support off shore drilling. The May Decisionmaker poll showed that 68% of likely voters agree with drilling off of the NC coast. In the July Decisionmaker poll 60% of voters said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate that supports drilling of the NC coast.
To hear the ad click here: Download afpnc_ad.mp3
In the interest of fairness and debate, if any other third party groups would like to send me their "issue" ads, I’ll be happy to post and analyze them too. This wasn’t the first independent expenditure ad in this race and I’m sure it won’t be the last.
Drill Here, Drill Now
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