A small group of protesters showed up outside a luncheon in Raleigh sponsored by the Civitas Institute. A new poll on political races was to be unveiled. Businessman and former Republican legislator Art Pope was scheduled to speak at the luncheon. The protesters want Pope to resign from a new UNC advisory board to which he had recently been appointed. They claim Pope is using his money to hurt public education and buy elections. So, as he has done in the past, Pope went out to greet the small group and answer it’s accusations. See the video clip below..
Mr. Pope once again demonstrated what a classy gentleman he is.
He walked out to greet and talk to the anti-Pope protestors. How many others would do the same under the circumstances?
He’s willing to discuss and debate his positions on political issues with people who would rather “demonstrate” on a sidewalk with some meaningless signs, and shouts of protest.
Incredible courage and a mastery of the facts. I want to see these “students” in 25 years to know if they matured to any degree. OK for the left to do anything, but for Art to invest as he wishes is unacceptable. Keep up the good fight!
Hello. I’m in the very beginning of this video, holding a sign that says “Art Pope Hands off Public Education.” I was not prepared to debate the man, but one reason I attended was that I believe his political influence has led to overly excessive cuts in NC’s Public School System. He asked me what I would do about education. . .If the option of making it even harder on teachers and administrators and local school systems or in NC’s Public Schools were on the table, I’d side with the teachers and students pretty much every time, not Art Pope.
I have been privileged to know Art Pope over a few years now and admire his dedication to improve our public school system. The kids that did that little mini-flash mob meeting today I hope listened to what Art was saying. Most of all I hope they heard his message. The focus should be on parents and students, not teacher’s and administrators.
Many of us moved to the Carolinas to escape failed states. I don’t want to have to do that again, so Art, keep applying the pressure so we don’t become another Illinois, Maryland, Wisconsin, California, New York, New Jersey…
I believe the focus should be on everyone involved in Public Education. Students, parents, teachers, administrators, board members, etc. May I ask if there something gained by excluding teachers from the focus? and was there a flash mob today? The picketing event was openly advertised last Sunday on BLUE NC. . .
It is funny how these students think you can have tuition decreases without budget cuts. They must not have taken any economics classes yet.
I fear for the future as these clueless people will one day be our leaders. Thanks to public government run schools for producing students who are obviously unprepared to be let loose on society.
That young man with the beard and the red shirt slept in the occupy camp about a mile up the road for over a month. Ingrained with talking points, can’t point to one clear example. Pope has given more money to this kids already state funded school than all of his friends and family combines.
I love how the libs can’t stand Republicans so much that they try to go after the Art Pope types. Take a look back with me and enjoy the FAILED attempt of character assassination they tried on Pope. What a bunch of sad individuals.
Notice how when they weren’t hearing what they wanted to hear they just started talking over him injecting their talking points. They weren’t there for information just bias.
Art Pope is a Great American.
And, in other news, UNC-CH paid $18,500 to have a vicious cyber-bully named Dan Savage speak on campus. Savage is a gay sex columnist, gay marriage advocate, and creator of the obscene santorum.com web site and a pornographic fake Internet definition of “Santorum” so obscene that general-circulation newspapers can’t print it. And I’ll guarantee that none of these student activists protested.
Art, kept standing up for that which is right and good !
I really admire Art Pope for talking with his character assassinators…yes, he is a real gentleman. He listened to their comments, but they wouldn’t let him get a complete sentence out. Typical progressives who cannot have a logical debate and allow their opponent equal time. Charter schools are locally controlled and student test scores are higher than regular public schools. Only students who want to go there are enrolled. No one is forced to go. So, if you don’t like them, don’t send your children there. Leave Art Pope alone…he isn’t doing anything which hurts you or any students. I agree with another post which says something about seeing these protestors in 20 years when they have matured a bit. Let’s hope they get the real facts during that time.
This is great to see. This is what needs to happen more in our society – actual discussions instead of demonization and misinformation being spread. I can see why Art Pope is a successful man.
Also, as a parent, I am a huge fan of charter schools and there is a reason that they have to hold lotteries for kids to get in them. They are much better than the standard public schools. These protestors are not parents and do not understand how parents feel and have no desire to hear what is outside of their progressive bubbles.