Media outlets are reporting that former President Bill Clinton will be in Cary on Friday, speaking at the Cary Senior Center around 4:45pm.
Hey Bill, you may want to re-think the timing of that whole thing. There’s a little tournament going on that this area is bat-crazy about, so that is going to be the focus of most everyone’s attention for the next 4 days.
And, the Tar Heels are scheduled to play in Raleigh a little after 7. If your motorcade stops traffic on I-40 and keeps people from getting to the game on time, you could blow this state for your wife just like you did when you ran your mouth in South Carolina.
What scheduler in their right mind drops a candidate or surrogate in the middle of basketball Mecca during the middle of the NCAA tournament? That’s really not good planning. It’s like sending a candidate to campaign in Boston two hours before the Red Sox start Game 1 of the World Series. Dumb move Clinton camp (Well, given the way you’ve run the campaign, what else was really expected?).
At least Obama was smart enough to get in and get out before the thing tipped off.
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