Are NC voters suffering from a bit of buyer's remorse on Governor Bev Perdue?
It appears so according to our latest poll results where Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory leads Gov. Bev Perdue 46% to 32% in a hypothetical matchup.
McCrory leads among Republicans (80-7) and Unaffiliateds (45-28), while Perdue is only garnering a bare majority of her own party’s support (52-21).
On a generic re-elect test, only 26 percent of voters say they would vote to re-elect Perdue. 55 percent said no.
Full text of questions:
If the election for Governor were held today, would you vote to re-elect Bev Perdue?
Yes – 26%
No – 55%
Not Sure – 19%
If the election for Governor were held today and the candidates were Republican Pat McCrory and Democrat Bev Perdue, for whom would you be voting?
McCrory – 46%
Perdue – 32%
Not Sure – 22%
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