Parents are best suited to decide where a child should attend school. That was one of the findings of the October Civitas Poll, released yesterday in Raleigh.
By a wide margin, 75 percent of respondents selected “parents” when asked ‘who is best suited to decide where a child attends school?’ Other options included, local school boards (15 percent); state government (5 percent) and the federal government (2 percent).
Parents was the dominant answer in all six geographical regions of North Carolina, ranging a low of 70 percent in Western North Carolina, to a high of 78 percent in the Triangle region. Dividing respondents by party affiliation, produced similarly strong results; 77 percent of Republican, 74 percent of Democrats and 73 percent of Independents said parents are best suited to decide where a child should attend school.
Considering these findings, it’s not surprising why parents want expanded educational options in North Carolina. What is surprising is that most students are still assigned to schools based on where they live.
Access to the Civitas October poll results, here and crosstabs .
There are numerous things that we all want, often we do not understand why we can’t always have them.
More propaganda to destroy Public Education and bolster Charter Schools, and still not ONE article by NC Civitas about why Hedge Fund Managers are so interested in Charter Schools and what that corruption really means to Tax Payers, not to mention the failure of so many Charter Schools to educate our children.
Public schools have destroyed theirselves.When they started teaching social ideas of the loony left and quit teaching the three R’s they went to the dogs.My grandson left public schools in the 8th grade and the difference is astounding.