There are many compelling reasons why North Carolina should not allow community colleges to admit illegal immigrants. I spell out a few of those in an op-ed piece published in this morning’s News & Observer. (For more articles on illegal immigration: click here.)
While the case for the rule of law and defense of our borders makes sense to many of us, others fail to grasp the significance of what’s at stake. Today the Policy Committee of the State Board of Community Colleges System unanimously approved a rule change to allow community colleges to admit any “undocumented immigrant”. The committee action was taken despite protestors who gathered outside the building and polls that show 68-70 percent of North Carolina voters consistently oppose policies to allow illegals admission to community colleges.
The full board will vote on the proposal tomorrow. I’d be surprised if the rule to allow colleges to admit illegals was not adopted. Hope that common sense will prevail is growing dim.
Regardless of what anyone believes, states, or would like to have the fact remains it is a violation of of the Federal Nationality and Immigration Act (FINA) to enter the United Sates of America without permission! That action was and remains an illegal entry into the United States by anyone!
We need action not more talk on immigration and other problems that we now have in our once great nation under God!
“Action speaks louder than words”!