Gov. Cooper this week declared that “not enough is being done to help rural N.C. counties build roads, expand high-speed internet, train people in job skills and find other ways to improve the economy.”
So naturally, just like every other issue, the ‘progressive’ way of addressing it is to create another government program.
Cooper’s program, called Hometown Strong, is meant to cut through the bureaucracies with a small team that will help rural counties track down funding from state, federal and nonprofit sources. The team, so far just two people, will offer expertise on what projects are needed and can reasonably be attained, and help with paperwork and staffing.
And just who will be supplying this “expertise”? None other than Pryor “buggy whips” Gibson.
Pryor Gibson, a former state representative from Anson County and lobbyist for former Gov. Bev Perdue…will be the director and public face of the program…Gibson will be paid $148,000 annually
Going to the way back machine, we learn more about Gibson’s “expertise” when it comes to economic development. From a 2008 article:
Gibson recently declared, “I’m positive it’s in our best interest to keep XYZ company with 1,000 jobs, even if they’re making buggy whips.” Buggy whips?
Propping up businesses that no longer produce a product or service that society values is the perfect recipe to halt innovation and economic growth. I suppose Gibson’s home is full of 8-track tape players and Beta Max recorders because of his desire to “save” those jobs.
For this kind of backward thinking, Gibson will be paid $148,000 a year?
This doesn’t bode well for rural North Carolina.
Brian never said a word about the over paid backward thinkers Pat McCrory hired, or the backward thinking cronies McCrory greased on his way out the door.
Brian has absolutely no credibility except as a partisan hack for the GOP.
George is a partisan hack for the Gimmedat Party that ran this state for almost all my life.What did we get out of it.Some of the worst schools in the nation and the highest taxes in the Southeast and huge deficits.
Poor, confused JackScott the troll continues his pitiful non-arguments. He continues to scream in the mirror by obviously projecting his own intellectual shortcomings onto others.
Still awaiting the day he actually addresses anything said in the articles he “comments” on.
Have addressed issues regularly Brian, only to hear crickets and the staff thug Larry with his psychological violence.
Issue addressed here is your complete ignorance of the crony corruption and backward thinkers of the Bathroom Governor Pat McCrory while criticizing all things Cooper.
Ummmmm, no JackScott. That is your issue.
Not the issue in the article.
You continue to be very confused.
You might know the retard doesn’t know which bathroom he belongs in.Get somebody with a brain to check your underwear so you will know.
Let Scott speak – Scott, who are you referring to as cronies of the previous administration who echoed such silliness as feather-bedding buggy whip manufacturers?