Laura Leslie at Isaac Hunters Tavern posts this document being distributed by the governor's office.
The list documents some of the "draconian" cuts being undertaken by state agencies during this budget crisis. A small sample:
unless deemed necessary by a Division Director and approved by a Deputy
· Limiting travel to core mission
Limiting purchases to very essentials
Purchases limited to
"core mission"
and training are not being conducted unless critical to public safety or
required to maintain certification, such as for law enforcement
employee orientation is being placed on-line, vs. on-site at DCR
shut down overnight or other extended times.
equipment purchases, such as automobiles, are delayed unless critical to
public safety
and travel only when necessary
All purchases are limited to
essential or emergency.
The hiring of additional
temporaries is not allowed unless necessary for public health or safety
travel not related to core activities has been cancelled
Why do we need to be facing a massive budget deficit before agencies limit themselves to only activities deemed "essential" or part of the "core mission." Can we infer that anything else is wasteful spending and unnecessary? It seems to me that government should be only spending our tax dollars on "essential" items to begin with. How wasteful our government must be when an agency brags that one of its cuts is to turn their computers off at night?
Round 2 of cuts will include turning off the lights and the heat down to 60 when everyone goes home.
As far as major purchases go, why not “just say no!” The state can take better care of its current capital equipment (cars buildings, etc.) or just do without.
As far as travel goes, why not ebay the whole Department of Commerce Air Force while we are at it?