Check out RTB’s suggestions for an N.C. Bloggers’ Association and information regarding legal matters — particularly as they may apply to new media. -Max Borders
They can kiss my hindquarters on joining any group designed to make us resemble the North Carolina Press.
I am responsible for what I report, and if anyone wants to sue me, fine. They’d have much better luck suing a Cave Troll, and with the same end result.
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Civitas joined forces with John Locke Foundation
On January 1, 2021, Civitas joined forces with John Locke Foundation! You can access the latest research from our team at
They can kiss my hindquarters on joining any group designed to make us resemble the North Carolina Press.
I am responsible for what I report, and if anyone wants to sue me, fine. They’d have much better luck suing a Cave Troll, and with the same end result.