Anyone see/hear Gov. Mike Easley criticize the Bush tax cuts and ergo McCain for wanting to "continue to give tax breaks to the rich" during his introduction of Sen. Obama yesterday?
Well, Governor, have you taken a look at your record? You’ve raised more taxes on working class people than anyone around.
Exhibit 1: The "temporary" sales tax increase – $270 million per year out of the pockets of all taxpayers
Exhibit 2: The "Education" Lottery – $400+ million out of the pockets of mostly lower income people
And what one tax did you remove? It was the other "temporary" tax on the richest tax payers!
So, who’s the one who’s cutting taxes for the rich while raising taxes on the poor? Bush? McCain? or Easley?
Great points, Chris.
I might add that the “temporary” sales tax has cost North Carolinians roughly $2.3 billion dollars since its inception (including full FY07-08 estimates). It’s curious how liberals haven’t said boo about such a massive increase in this “regressive” tax.