Complete ignorance of economics and markets in general is the only explanation for those that continue to insist on "universal" or "single-payer" health care. Sheldon Richman explains why in this outstanding article.
"Case in point: How would one see through the flimflam served up as health-care policy without a working knowledge of economic principles? When politicians promise "universal and affordable" medical care and insurance, how else are we to know that those promises can’t be kept. Indeed, attempting to keep them would gravely damage our medical care (even more), our prosperity, our liberty."
Richman describes how an insurance market (and therefore the health care industry as a whole) simply can not function properly in the context of, say, Hillary Clinton’s vision of health care.
"Clinton declares, "I want to stop the health-insurance companies from discriminating against people because they’re sick."
One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at a statement like that. Is it ignorance, stupidity, or demagoguery?"
The article explains why such a mentality would inevitably lead to price controls, which of course everywhere and always leads to rationing and shortages. How refreshing would it be to find just one politician who could articulate why it is in fact the countless ways in which government interferes with the marketplace that is primarily responsible for escalating health care costs? Don’t hold your breath.
"In fact, the politicians love those interventions. So they promise to lower medical costs through direct controls. Even a modest familiarity with how markets work reveals that this would make things worse. Is it too late for Americans to see through the con game?"
Here in North Carolina, we have our own resident useful idiot who has bought the "con game" hook, line and sinker.
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