The effectiveness rankings are out again — Again, I ask: effective at what, really?
Marc Basnight and Tony Rand are considered the most effective in the N.C. Senate. Most effective at getting road money away from places that need it? Most effective at quid pro quo arrangements and backdoor deals? Most effective at steering legislation, silencing internal dissent, or what?
Those effective in the House are those like Rep. Jennifer Weiss who is well known for nanny-state measures and economically backward environmental regs/subsidies/etc. Of course, the lefty organization who does the "effectiveness" survey probably delights in how effective these people are. I don’t. I shudder.
-Max Borders
How’s that non-partisan index going?
I don’t see the least bit wrong with your quote. I would even go further than that, given my opinion of the way Basnight got the lottery passed, but since the Democrats have controlled the state for the last 100 years I don’t see the point of bringing it up.