Elizabeth Dole voted to force automakers to raise fuel efficiency standards (CAFE).
Elizabeth Dole has come out in support of all cost, no benefit cap-and-trade scheme.
Elizabeth Dole has not come out against earmarks.
Is Elizabeth Dole a conservative? When the Club for Growth bashes you in your own state, hurting your chances against a lefty, you’d better straighten up and act like a conservative.
-Max Borders
Is it a stretch to declare environmentalism to be the politicians’ drug war of the 21st Century?
The environmental movement’s issues have ascended to the promised-land of bipartisan political compromise, the movement’s policy alternatives will result in a stronger state, and the poor will suffer from the elitist whims of interest groups. I may have mischaracterized or misunderstood the issues, but this political situation seems eerily similar to the drug war.
But Dole is simply targeting the 50%+1 necessary to win her electoral competition and it is likely that she is still a voter’s better option as opposed to Hagan, although Dole now supports a less-productive America where the poor have fewer options.
Where are the professional bureaucrats/politicians with guiding principles? I am unsure if career politicians are principled, but assuming they are, I am saddened when they actively subordinate such traits to compete in interest-group politics.