It looks like Pablo Escobar and Rep. Harold Brubaker won’t be sharing a taco anytime soon. The Randolph County Republican has introduced legislation to make all North Carolina drivers tests in English only, essentially ending the current driver’s test the NC DMV offers in Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. Mr. Brubaker’s argument is simple enough: if you can’t read English you can’t read traffic signs and that’s a safety issue.
Well it seems our friend at El Pueblo, Pablo Escobar takes issue with Rep. Brubaker’s bill.
According to a story on the WRAL web site, Escobar said most traffic signs include images, not words so it’s not necessary to understand English to be a safe driver.
I wonder if Mr. Escobar can give me the international image or symbol for four of the signs in the picture below? Don’t you think it would be helpful if applicants for driver’s licenses would understand such words as; stop, speed limit and one way? Is that really too much to ask?
Escobar says, “It’s not fair.” How is it fair to other drivers to allow individuals on the road who aren’t able to read road signs?
According to Escobar, if Brubaker’s bill is approved, it would actually make the roads less safe. “They’re probably going to drive anyway, and they’re not going to have the benefit of having had access to driver’s education material (and) to have passed the test to make sure they’re ready to drive,” Escobar said.
Escobar’s quote raises an interesting question: If he thinks individuals will ultimately prove to ignore our laws and regulations, why is it unfair for this nation — or any nation, for that matter — to deprive them of the opportunity to do so?
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