The more details that are released regarding the proposed health care "reform" coming from DC, the more resistance it faces.
This N&O article details the bi-partisan opposition coming from Governors across the nation.
The nation's governors, Democrats as well as Republicans, voiced deep concern Sunday about the shape of the health care bill emerging from Congress, fearing that the federal government is about to hand them expensive new Medicaid obligations without providing the money to pay for them.
Gov. Phil Bredesen, D-Tenn., said he feared Congress was about to bestow "the mother of all unfunded mandates."
"Medicaid is a poor vehicle for expanding coverage," added Bredesen, a former health care executive. "It's a 45-year-old system originally designed for poor women and their children. It's not health-care reform to dump more money into Medicaid."
And in related news, 17 state medical associations have broken ranks with the AMA in support of the reform proposal.
A group of 17 state medical associations and three specialty physicians groups, led by the Medical Association of Georgia, have also balked at endorsing the legislation, and were drafting a letter last week to circulate on Capitol Hill, according to Congress Daily. Key among the concerns was the public insurance option.
Add to that growing public oppositionto the government takeover of health care, and it seems Obamacare support is losing steam fast.
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