What is your story when it comes to riding motorcycles? Do you ride one? Do you have a family member/friend that was hurt while riding a motorcycle? Do you work with motorcycle accident patients? When Judiciary Subcommittee B and the House met this week, there were many stories that were told about personal experiences and how they have shaped the thought of whether House Bill 109 “Require Safety Helmets/Under 21”should be passed the bill has been converted to a study for further investigations into the details.
This is a hot topic that raises points on both sides of the argument. The arguments about safety, rights, liberty, and medical bills are not one that will end any time soon. There were interesting points made for both sides of the argument.
For HB 109:
• People need to make their own decisions and be responsible for the consequences.
• If we have the government bureaucrats regulate wearing a helmet, what else are they going to regulate?
• Motorcyclists understand the risk associated with riding.
Against HB 109:
• Cost of medical insurance will go up because there is a greater risk involved. Health care is not free; where is the money going to come from?
• Wearing a helmet saves a life and personal liberties should be for the safety of all.
So, what is your story?
“It should be the personal responsibility of the rider to decide whether they want to wear a helmet. It is a personal choice and should not be decided by any governmental agency. Helmet laws take away one’s individual liberty to decide what is best for themselves and their lives.”
–Mark, Fastest Speed 223.8MPH
Rep. John Torbett (R-Gaston), the bill’s sponsor, and motorcycle enthusiasts argued fatality rates in states with strict helmet requirements are not statistically different from those that have exceptions or none at all. But converting a bill into a study was a way to keep the debate going; otherwise the issue would have died until 2015.
A state should not have probable cause to stop or fine a rider if they choose to ride without a helmet. – Rob ,Quickest ET. Unknown
If someone chooses to ride without a helmet my personal opinion is that that person is an idiot. On the other hand natural selection comes into play when these idiots are killed in accidents. Hopefully it is before they breed. I never argue with nature so let them ride any way they want but their insurance company should not have to pay a penny if they are injured or killed while not wearing proper protective equipment.
My wife is an emergency room nurse. If one wants proof as to what a Traumatic brain injury looks like follow her around the ER for a few nights. While a severe motorcycle accident will involve other live threatening injury’s other than brain trauma, remember that once the brain is injured, nerve path ways and brain tissue, unlike bones and skin tissue, did not usually regenerate. A helment will not guranatte that you will live through a motorcycle accident and not become a vegatable. but NOT wearing one will almost guarantee that you will be. The only statement that must people will say when seeing a motorcyclist riding with out a helment is not “Gee, what a strong, free spirited, independent individual that person is.” Most usually say instead “Gee, what a dumba_s that moron is.”