This appallingly biased healthcare "forum" is co-sponsored by the UNC School of Social Work and the League of Women voters. OK, so maybe the latter… But how in the world can UNC get away with using our state’s resources to sponsor an event so blatantly partisan?
Here are the plans for discussion: Hillary Clinton’s Health Choice Plan; Barack Obama’s Health Care Plan; John Edwards’ Health Care Overview; Dennis Kucinich’s Health Care Plan; Suggested Background Readings — All of which is another way of asking: which type of top-down, socialized, rationed, price-controlled, mandated, regulated, distorted, expensive, special-interest forming, otherwise Rube Goldbergian healthcare system do we want to "create" like the Lord on high?
(I see Adam Searing has been asked to appear. Adam, my invitation to debate you on healthcare is still very much open. Afraid of good ideas?)
-Max Borders
Carolina held a completely unbiased forum (closed to the public) on the future of higher education a year or two ago. I’m sure you can guess which Triangle public policy organization was not invited to participate.