To all the fine readers, bloggers etc out there. Sharpen your pencils and list ways you think the state could save money.
I will start with a short list of suggestions that while small, would over time add up to a savings:
Sell ALL of the Dept of Commerces Airplanes (2 planes 1 Helo) - Ongoing savings in pilots, maintenance, hangars. They don't tell much about the "Executive Aircraft Division" on the website.
Combine all grant-making and money for local water and sewer systems into one place. I have been told there are at least 16 different ways of funding local systems. Very inefficient. Here are a few places to get state money: Rural Center - non-profit but state money – not accountable and overhead added in. NC Dept of Natural Resources - several different places to get $ Here, Here, Here TOO MANY TO LIST! and so on…
In the Dept. of Administration, eliminate the Agency For Public Telecommunications. It is unnecessary as it does nothing that is a direct (or even indirect) function of government. Any service it provides to other agencies can be contracted with the private sector at lower cost and higher quality.
I have started now it is your turn. Send this to everyone you know and help build a list.
it would be easier if we had a copy of the budget (line item would be nice)
Every small business owner knows that the number one killer is payroll. The state payroll is one giant behemoth. How many positions could be eliminated and yet the state continue to exist? How many excess personnel have been hired?
But then we have to consider what civil service is all about. Civil service exists to protect and perpetuate itself. The earliest reference to civil service is found in the Bible, when it was written that civil service would forever “be fruitful and multiply.”
And multiply and multiply they have. Eliminating thousand upon thousand of state jobs would ease the budget deficit and quite possibly make some of the remaining “workers” do a little more.
Stop requiring smaller sized classrooms. It’s not working and it wastes a lot of money.
End the Golden Leaf Foudation
Combine Smart Start/More at four and cut in half
End the Health and Wellness Trust Fund
Stop all corp. welfare
Make all museums/cultural attractions fee supported
Make Cultural resourses part of dept of admin.
Stop Greensquare project
Eliminate the Department of Public Instruction.
How many kids do they teach? That would be NONE.
Go ahead now and release those on less than two years time left put them on probation make them put that back into state, also start allowance on all staff and keep it like we do our kids, stop pacifying everyone and do what God said for you to do the very best