The spending plan written by House Republicans would significantly change who would make the decisions about how the proceeds from the national tobacco settlement are used. The Health and Wellness Trust Fund and the Tobacco Trust Fund were set up to use funds from the settlement to help communities that were dependent on the tobacco industry and address health problems associated with tobacco. There have been plenty of complaints the commissions overseeing those funds were not doing enough. The House budget would abolish those trust funds and commissions and turn the oversight over to the state Board of Agriculture under the leadership of Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler. Part of the proceeds would be earmarked to pay off state debt. Some would go to the University Cancer Research Fund. The budget also directs the board to make sure those “engaged in tobacco-related businesses” and communities are compensated for losses from the demise of the tobacco industry. The Golden LEAF Foundation would still exist but millions of dollars would be diverted to the control of the General Assembly to make up for a budget shortfall.
I don’t know if the boo-O-Crats at DOA and CS can do any better job but there are so many boards and commissions in Government, makes you wonder how effective they really are. Anybody do an Audit? Hmm. How many impacted farmers are left to get funds anyway?