The N.C. House is gearing up this week for possible veto override votes on several of Gov. Perdue’s record-setting 15 vetoes this session. Curiously, this N&O article describes the voter ID bill as “one of the most politically divisive issues raised by the General Assembly’s new GOP majority.”
Actually, the voter ID bill is one of the most universally supported issues in modern state political history. With as many as 84% of the public supporting such legislation, this actually is one of the most politically unifying issues of our time. This bill is opposed by only a tiny fraction of citizens, but opposition is lead by a lengthy list of radical left-wing special interest and advocacy groups that have access to liberal lawmakers.
Will our elected officials cave to the pressure of fringe special interest groups, or listen to the overwhelming majority of citizens?
which is the reason for political revolution, and not just a bunch of grown men and women dressed up like our forefathers were, but a more serious political revolution that has impact and meaning behind it, something that will cause the right change.
i would run if i could, but sadly im not considered old enough or rich enough to run for president.
The very fact that ID is required for so many facets of our life should make this a non issue. Reckon the concerned ones are the questionable ones.
“Fathom the hypocrisy of a Government
that requires every citizen to prove they are insured……but not required to prove that they are citizens” the last local elections, a friend of mine walked in to vote, and was not asked who he was, or where he was from…no ID request or anything…I think if you are not producing in this country..then you cannot vote. Voter ID should represent that….your SS# is all over the place isn’t it??