ICE raided the Mills Manufacturing Corp., a parachute maker for the military, this morning.
John Oswald, CEO of Mills, excused his company’s behavior by claiming that “his company was unaware of the improperly documented workers” and that “the company checks all employees’ documents, which typically include driver’s licenses, Social Security cards or Green Cards, but it does not have experts who can detect sophisticated forgeries.”
Gee … ever heard of E-Verify?
President Bush recently required all federal contractors to enroll in E-Verify. Apparently, Mills didn’t get the message …
In any case, given that it is illegal to knowingly hire illegal aliens, do we really expect Mills’ CEO to confess that his company knew all these employees — almost one-third of its workforce — were illegal?
The illegal workers reportedly made between $9-$14/hour, plus benefits and health insurance. Not too bad for a “job an American won’t do.”
HT: Ron Woodard
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