It’s impossible to ignore the impact that the faith community is having on hurricane recovery efforts since Harvey struck Texas and Irma devastated Florida and much of the southeast.
In fact, even USA Today has recognized religious groups are providing “the bulk” of recovery, a whopping 80 percent.
What the media is shocked to discover is something we conservatives already know: that when real help is needed, government entities fall tragically short of providing aid in a crisis. We’ve seen this to be true of Veterans Affairs offices that fail to meet the needs of our own veterans, true of the public school system, consistently outperformed by private and charter schools, failing our children.
Here in North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper recently issued grants to a handful of effective disaster relief organizations to aid in the rebuilding efforts in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. The majority of the grant money was issued to relief organizations with religious affiliations, totaling almost double the amount awarded to other groups.
That’s right, even Roy Cooper cannot ignore the fact that religious organizations are most effective at disaster relief.
You see, when I’m asked why I’m a conservative, the short version of that answer comes pretty easily. I’m a conservative because I believe individuals and organizations like churches do a much better job at organizing and implementing where the government falls short.
And it appears as though members of the faith community are taking seriously the Bible’s mandate to care for the widows and orphans in their affliction (James 1:27) and the command that we love one another as we have been loved (John 15:12.)
This is a blatant attempt to cast ‘conservatives’ as the only ‘faith’ group that cares or carries out Jesus’ commands. Completely ridiculous and the hyper-Partisanship is not only evident, it’s also heretical.
Shame on you Demi. Shame on NC Civitas for allowing such garbage!
This is rubbish! I rarely comment on comments…but, I second what Scott says …this article is an abomination!
Liberals are anything but religious.George and Scott just hate it when the private solutions to problems do something better and for a whole lot less money.Scott thinks he is a Libertarian.If he was he would be tickled to have them do it instead of the government doing a lousy job for a whole lot more money.Scott says he is Libertarian but then tells you Ostupid the community organizer did a good job.If you are a Libertarian you don’t think spending more than all the Presidents before him on shovel ready jobs and a joke of a healthcare program that only works if you don’t.
Here is the ‘conservative’ Trump nominee for FEMA. He withdrew his name today because he fed ‘cronies’ Government money. He also ‘traveled’ privately on the Tax Payer dime and falsified Government records.
To the left, watching private and faith based organizations giving from their hearts and volunteering their labor because they have love for their fellow countrymen is sour grapes. Get out of the way and let them help. It cost you nothing and means everything to victims of these tragic storms. Take your guilty conscience and sit on the sidelines and bitch or show some love, STFU and help…
Al, Larry, and Demi suffer the same delusions. There are many on what you call the ‘left’ that are completely involved in relief for Hurricane victims. Many Churches are made up of Liberals.
Your brand of Christianity is evident daily. Your God came to make Pat Robertson and Joel Osteen wealthy as they fleece their flocks and prey upon the poor with Magical Thinking.
Larry’s ‘religious’ folks were castigated by Jesus while he walked on the earth.
SMH at your shameful remarks!
Scott,I guess you worship at the altar of atheism.
Larry, I feel sorry for you that you cannot comprehend the various Faiths, or even the various sects within the various Faiths that all believe in different doctrine.
Our country is great because we have the Separation of Church and State. And no it was not brought about by Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists. The Wall of Separation dates to the 1600’s when Religious folks who fled England because of Religious persecution, began persecuting others for their Religious beliefs.
Evangelicals counseling Trump say God is not an open borders guy. That is not what I believe. My family always set a place at the Table for the stranger who would arrive, and like Jesus we loved the stranger more for reasons that were clear to all of us. We never thought to ask for citizenship papers!
Scott,I agree with separation on religion and state.I don’t agree with a hand full of atheists separating the country from all religion that this country was founded on.
Well Larry, can you post Facts to back up your claims?
Can you offer us the proof that a ‘handful of atheists’ are ‘separating the country from all religion that this country was founded on?’
Can you explain with Facts that ‘liberals’ are ‘anything but religious?’
It should be very obvious to anyone that atheists are a very small percentage of the population.It seems you are oblivious to the fact that atheists have taken all religion out of schools and pretty much anywhere else for that matter.If you can’t see all the lawsuits they and the ACLU have filed against Christians then any facts I gave you would go right over over your head.Liberals give you facts everyday what they think of Christians.Wake up.Scott.I know you aren’t a believer,but to not see what is plain as the nose on your face is ridiculous.
Here is you a fact.At the Democrats convention they booed the mention of God.I guess as a Libertarian (ha ha) you didn’t have a problem with that.You say you are Libertarian but every argument you make is right down the line with Democrats,Progressives,liberals,whatever they call themselves now.
I can’t believe I have to say this in 2017. The ACLU protects the CIVIL LIBERTIES of ALL AMERICANS. Christians have no Right in the US Constitution to discriminate against others!
‘All religion’ has not been taken out of schools. I went to a ‘religious’ school. You need some remedial help on the 1st Amendment. I laugh hysterically each year in December about the Fascist Right’s ‘War on Christmas’ when I visit Washington D.C. and see Christmas on display EVERYWHERE in Public Institutions.
You ‘know I am not a believer’ is your warped Fascist Christian ideals rooted in White Supremacy and the ideas of radical extremist views that are heretical.
I am not a supporter of, or member of the Democratic Party so bringing them up is your clear attempt to evade a reasonable discussion on America. And your claim is false one to begin with.
You have NO Facts so you use remarks like ‘clear as the nose on my face,’ and ‘should be obvious to everyone.’ All you posit is innuendo, falsehoods and propaganda.
Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case that ruled it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools.
The decision above was condemned by some religious leaders and applauded by other religious leaders.
The FACT is that no one can be denied the ‘free exercise’ of their religious belief in Public Schools. Everyone is free to pray as they wish. What is unconstitutional is the ‘government making any law respecting an establishment of religion.’
Your ideas Larry are suited for Theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia. They are not American ideals in any way, shape or form.
STOP spreading Lies about the ACLU Larry.
The ACLU represents the scum of the earth.Pediphile killers.Look up NAMBLA.So,you went to a religious school.We know it wasn’t public.The Supreme Court is not God.They have made a lot of unconstitutional findings according to many people in this country.You whine about Civitas but they allow you to call me a liar over and over when I have proved I was not the liar.Like when you said Trump refused to condemn the Nazi’s.He clearly did condemn them and your fascists so any right thinking person would say that was a lie by you,not me.
More Fascist ramblings from Larry. More of Larry Judging others and claiming he knows Jesus. More of Larry lying about an organization that fights to protect CIVIL LIBERTIES.
It’s clear Larry that you support neither Civility or Liberty. It’s clear also that you cannot read or comprehend much.
Another sad, angry White guy who is the victim. SMH.
Scott,Facists are people that want criminals that burn cars and businesses and beat up old people and only show up when they have a ten to one advantage.Notice they never show up when the bikers are there.This is the scum you are telling me are some kind of heroes because they want to shut-up anybody that doesn’t agree with them.Well,you and the criminals aren’t ever going to shut-up me or millions like me.
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
synonyms: authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism
(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Larry says
September 17, 2017 at 10:47 AM
Fascism has nothing to do with right wing.Any idiot can write a definition like that.The anti-Facists that you and Scott love are the real Facists.The suppression of free speech is what Facists are all about.
Larry considers the Oxford English Dictionary ‘any idiot’
Who died and left Oxford English Dictionary the undisputed king of definitions.I consider Jack any idiot.Fascism,Socialism,and Communism,all are miserable forms of government.Capitalism made us the most prosperous country in history until the Gimmedats came along with Gimmedat,Gimmedat programs,now we are the most debtor nation in history.
Larry spouts religious heresy. He refutes Biblical principles like the Jubilee and a sharing economy. He cannot comprehend that Israel is a ‘capitalist’ society that has National Healthcare and Guaranteed Income (in addition to allowing Same Sex Marriages and Abortion). He has been victimized by Reaganomics that has created Inverted Totalitarianism (rule by the Corporate State) so he lashes out at others and uses phrases like ‘socialism’ and ‘communism’ to attack people who use logic and reason. He cannot see through his political blinders that Obama was Reaganesque. He has been conned by the Far Right to believe America’s Debt is related to social issues when the average Corporation pay less than 13% combined on all Taxes (Federal, State, Local) and that America is now an Empire, not a Country.
Scott is so ignorant he doesn’t know that the top 1% pay 45% of all federal income taxes.He is afraid his government check won’t come anymore.
Average corp.pays taxes.Thats up there as your top lies.I am part owner of a corp.and I can tell you that’s a total lie.You and your idiot buddie just post some crap you pull out of the air.Let’s see the proof of that crap.
By the way you lying retard,you said you were done chatting.Just another of your lies.
This would be Scott and Jack.
Larry, like NC Civitas is mystified by Reality.