The pro-Illegal alien, open borders advocates in this country frequently make the comment that it is pointless to oppose the inevitability people crossing our border whenever and however they want. "You’ll never be able to stop it."
Solutions to changing illegal behavior are most effective when they impact the self interest of the individual. Now word comes from an interesting source that the payments made by Mexicans in the US to their relatives back home have dropped. The Bank of Mexico reports a drop of 12% in remittances in August.
How has this happened? Certainly the worsening economy in the US has played a role but so to has the increase in immigration enforcement by federal officials as well as efforts by local sheriffs.
How much money does Mexico make from having its citizens work in another country? A record $23 Billion (with a "B") dollars was sent across the border in 2006. This constitutes Mexico’s second largest source of income behind oil.
As the economy here has cooled, Mexican workers have to make the choice of whether its worth the effort to cross the border and work in the US for less money. But watch out, America. As less money makes its way into the Mexican economy, it is conceivable that the situation there could worsen and cause even more illegals to come here looking for work.
Localities need to be ready for this potential influx, should it come, by rolling up the welcome mat of public benefits that illegals have come to enjoy and expect.
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