President Obama is set to give a televised address to Congress tonight to make his case to the assembled elected officials and, more importantly, the nation for his proposed health care overhaul.
But this begs the question, is there really anyone left for him to convince this is good or bad? Or have most people already picked one side or the other in this fight.
According to Civitas polling released yesterday, it seems there are few minds left for Obama to change. 76 percent of voters say they either strongly support (35.4%) or strongly oppose (40.6%) the President’s health care proposal.
Only 5.4 percent of voters said they had no opinion.
Thus it readily apparent that most people already chosen a side in this debate. With intensity that strong on both sides, it’s doubtful there is anything Obama can say that will change the opinion of a large number of people. His appeal to Congress will do very little to damper they hyper-activism on both sides.
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