With the SEANC/SEIU marriage being made official, and the $60 million in handouts to two union-run manufacturing plants this week, we should stop and think about the road down which NC is headed.
Repealing Right-to-Work and instituting collective bargaining for government workers (two separate issues) is not a process that is going to happen overnight, but the wheels are turning and as long as these labor-loving liberals are in charge of our state, we’re going to creep in that direction. It’s an incremental approach their taking and the power of big labor continues to grow, especially as the amount of money they are willing to commit to elect their friends continues to grow as well.
Well, here’s a couple of items to remind us why it’s good to be Right-To-Work and the advantages it brings our state.
First, a report (pdf) from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research that shows that since 2001, job growth in Right-To-Work states outpaced that in forced unionization states by a rate of 5:1.
Second, the Michigan-based Mackinac Center released a report showing "significant economic advantages" for Right-To-Work states over other states, like Michigan.
And finally, more from Michigan, where Michiganers, especially younger residents, are fleeing the state and moving towards Right-To-Work states for jobs and quality of life.
(I guess mentioning the App State game would just be salt in the wounds at this point).
The evidence is clear and North Carolina has a choice. Continue to slide down the path towards unionization, or reject the failed policies of forced unionism and the economic ruin it brings.
I hope Lloyd Carr’s job isn’t protected by a union, because he’s got to go!