Good ole Gov. Hunt is on WRAL today "decrying" the use of negative ads in the Governor’s race. Him trying to preach to others on this subject is laughable at best, hypocritical at worst. Negative ads were perfectly fine for him to use during his many runs. But now he says that candidates should stay positive?
Check out this Time article from 1984. Anyone remember the "right wing death squads" ad?
The Hunt organization early this summer
ran a television advertisement linking Helms to the right-wing death
squads in El Salvador. The commercial opened with the sound of gunfire
and photos of massacred Salvadoran citizens. A picture of Salvadoran
Roberto d’Aubuisson appeared, and a narrator identified him as
"the man accused of directing those death squads." A picture
of Helms then appeared, and the narrator said, "This is the man
whose aides helped D’Aubuisson set up his political party in El
Salvador . . . Now Jesse Helms may be a crusader, but that’s not what
our Senator should be crusading for."
I guess that is what Hunt considers focusing on "positive messages."
Or how about the ad Hunt ran in 1996 (when he was up 10+ points in the polls and didn’t need to go negative) that said that Robin Hayes thought people should bathe with Lysol to keep from spreading STDs?
Was that a positive message of what he was going to do for the state, as he is advising other candidates to do?
I guess Hunt abides by the old adage of "Do as I say, not as I do" (or did in his case).
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