The short answer is NOBODY actually supports Rev. Barber except for his protesters!
As documented by Brian Balfour, and others, the demands of the “Rev” William Barber will add up for NC Taxpayers to the tune of around $10 Billion. That is a lot even by Dr. Evil standards.
At yesterday’s protest we asked legislators and Protest leaders (Picture Below) to sign a petition supporting Barber’s agenda and surprise, surprise – no one signed. So while they hold protests, chant and sing and get arrested – not one legislator or protest leader will actually support spending the money to carry out the demands of the protesters.
Despite having personally asking a number of state legislators and protesters to sign on to Rev Barber’s Agenda, I was unable to get any signers.
It is easy for Rev. Barber and his Moral Monday crowd to protest and make claims when no one is holding you accountable for your demands – it is a different matter when confronted with facts.
Hopefully if the protest continue the media will do their jobs and actually ask Barber and the other protest leaders to explain how the state can pay for their demands. And when they say rescind the tax cuts, ask where the rest of the money is going to come from?
I won’t hold my breath for the media to start critically covering this story. WTVD did cover us asking for them to sign on but the Raleigh N&O and WRAL-TV did not report on our efforts. In fact WRAL-TV continues to act as an unpaid publicity arm for the protests.
Civitas will continue to cover this issue and do the research that the press refuses to do. If you are interested you can read research at and reporting and stories at NC Capitol Connection.
Great work for WE the PEOPLE, Civitas !!! Wishing I could be in Rawleigh each Monday
with counter signs for these evil people.
Oh, and, I DID sign it, with the caveat it is within a reasonable time frame… although, your figures were WAY off.
Even the Republican rep I spoke with thought that raising the teacher pay up to national standards was a good idea… interestingly, at the top of your list of being an unreasonably high amount needed to accomplish. He even said it could be done in less than 5 years… still a long time for waiting families.
Hey TJ, tell me again how to pay for it? Oh yeah, tax business that generate jobs. I think we need to tax all Democrats 75% of their earned income to.cover everything ya’ll want. But for most of the Moral Monday’s cry babies, 75% of 0 is still 0. Your great at going into debt and spending everyone else’s money, So go ahead cowboy up and be willing spend 3/4 of yours to support your agenda.
No, that’s what I thought. Why don’t you move to New York or California, you fit better in those bankrupt states
Watch WRAL for 1-2 hours (if you can stomach it), and jot down their advertisers. Contact these advertisers and make it known that you will NOT deal with them until they drop their spots with WRAL. Multiply that times hundreds, and you watch WRAL start to suffer. Who knows, with enough “tough love” they might even start to see the light.
Well as a pastor I don’t get involved in politics but I try and stay focused on Jesus. Reverend Barber seems to do what Jesus did and that’s help the underdog. While the republicans appear to want to crush an eliminate the outcast people
If this is the best “counter protest” propaganda Civitas can possilby muster, well….the corrupt Republican party of millionaires is in trouble indeed. That your readers buy it speaks volumes, of course, about them and you. Fortunately we have professional polls that tell us what most NC voters actually want and guess what….it’s not a subsidy for fracking/giving us cancer, hand-outs to millionaires and cuts to eduction. Oh nevermind…carry on.
Pastor Tom, you “don’t get involved in politics?” Looks like you just did. The Money Monday crowds just wants more state money to fund their operations. The Republicans cut off the extravagant subsidies the state was providing these leftists groups under the Democrats. Liking Reverend Barber to Jesus is like liking Karl Marx to Santa Claus.
Sure seems like there’s a lot of HATE here? So why the constant attacks on Rev. Barber? Looks to me like Mr. Pope has a personal vendetta?
You seriously need to up the standards here, lashing out at media outlets with statements such as “in fact WRAL-TV continues to act as an unpaid publicity arm for the protests”, simply make you look like a bunch of racist fools.