A presentation made to CMS principals and counselors earlier this summer by local LGBTQ advocates recommends that CMS school staff not refer to boys and girls but as scholars and students. Advocates are also encouraging children to choose their own gender identity through the “gender unicorn” (see page 9 of presentation) .
LGBTQ advocates say changes are necessary at CMS to protect privacy and decrease bullying.
Where to begin?
For starters let’s say of course I believe transgender students should be respected. As should the views of parents who strongly disagree with the LGBTQ lifestyle or a school system that advocates views that undermine their own moral beliefs.
Few people believe that parents would ever approve such a radical proposal. So it’s no surprise that LGBTQ advocates seek to bypass parents directly influence administrators and staff. Such actions also make you sympathetic to the many parents who feel shut out and ignored by a school system that is supposed to work for them.
LGBTQ advocates say the presentation only talked about guidelines – not policy. The next logical question: Do teachers or parents have a choice? What happens if “guidelines” are not followed?
The groundwork is being laid.
Transgender students need to be respected and treated in the same way we treat all other students – with love and fairness. What we don’t need is to upend years of social science, medical and psychological research to placate the wants of vocal minority.
That’s bullying of the worst kind.
All I can say is the CMS are sick and dementd and if the people of that County continue to allow the filthy perverted sicko mayor to get away with what she is doing then they deserve to lose there children to demon worshippers. The Mayor and her band of demon minions are devil worshippers. Parents keep your children home and demand the board of education head step down along with the sick minded Mayor and her band of satanic followers. If this continues they will eventually get to the point of child sacrifice and say its for the good of the state, that is how sick these people are.
Lol! Phillips, you are a certifiable nutcase. Child sacrifice, smh, what a weird place it must be inside your head.