State Representative Danny McComas (R-New Hanover) will resign his seat in the House of Representatives to take another seat as chair of the North Carolina State Ports Authority September 2. Governor Bev Perdue made the announcement of her appointment of McComas this afternoon.
McComas owns a trucking company in Wilmington. He’s served 18 years in the legislature.
“I am honored to be given the opportunity to continue working to strengthen our state’s economy,” said Rep. Daniel McComas. “The state ports service a vital economic need for all who choose to do business in North Carolina and it is imperative that we keep our state economically competitive. As chairman, I can continue my work in helping our state meet the demands of a global economy while improving the infrastructure needs of our state’s transportation systems.”
After spending millions dollars on building an international port at Southport North Carolina lost shipping business to a port in South Carolina. Now the discussion is turning to dredging and expanding the ports at Moorehead City and in Wilmington.
Which democrat will benefit from this?