As NC pols are making strides to eliminate tobacco smoking in the state are they conversely making an effort to increase marijuana smoking?
During last year's session, Rep. Earl Jones (D-Guilford) introduced a bill to have a legislative committee study the uses of medical marijuana.
Apparently, Jones is interested in bringing the bill up again this year when the General Assembly re-convenes on January 28.
Mark Binker at the News & Record has video with Jones discussing the bill last year.
Anyone else think its ironic that we're talking about banning tobacco smoking in certain locations while allowing marijuana smoking?
Let’s have ’em both. Pot and cigarettes. It’s my body. It’s the proprietor’s property. None of the gubment’s bitness.
Isn’t this state screwed up enough already? One might think some of our legislators are HIGH enough now when we see how they vote.
Who is this “Max” character?
I think we should ban the hippy from commenting;)
my husband is a two time OIF veteran who was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma… as someone who sees on a daily basis what the chemical cocktails they use to treat these diseases does to a person, I wholy support legalization, if only for medicinal purposes. Imagine that once a week, you go in and either get a tank of toxic chemicals emptied into you, which makes you violently ill for day, or on off weeks, you get a shot that forces your bones to make white cells, essentially rendering you unable to move for several days… if this were you, or someone you love, wouldn’t you want to ease that pain? Why not give them something that can help them? And the last time I checked, nobody had ever overdosed on pot, just ate everything in the kitchen, took a nap, or smoked themselves sober…
There’s nothing ironic about banning tobacco smoking, which kills upwards of 400,000 people a year and increases health care costs for everyone, and legalizing and regulating the marijuana market which will cut 60% of the drug cartel’s funding to kill our border patrol officers in a never ending war. Banning the substance has done absolutely nothing but create a dangerous black market that invites thugs and drug dealers to come make lucrative amounts of money, tax free, in no time at all. We’re stealing peoples’ educations, jobs and families away from them for using a substance that is safer than peanut butter!
For kids, marijuana is easier to obtain than alcohol because a 17 year old drug dealer isn’t going to be checking identification or turning people down. People claim that marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to other harder substances for teens? IT’S BECAUSE YOU PUT MARIJUANA IN THE DRUG DEALER’S HAND IN THE FIRST PLACE. If people could purchase marijuana from a licensed dispensary, there would be no drug dealer to offer other harmful substances in the first place.
If you ran to the ABC store to pick up a bottle of whiskey as a house warming gift, would you be appalled if the cashier offered you a line of cocaine, or perhaps an 80 mg OxyContin? This simply doesn’t happen, because alcohol is a regulated industry with a system of taxation and product control. Marijuana smokers are asking for the same thing, we don’t want to go buy from back-street thugs or indirectly support a weapons dealer, but we’re left with no choice. I would happily pay a tax to alleviate my anxiety and insomnia in a natural way without the risk of physical dependence or excruciating withdrawals from many pharmaceutical options.
The bottom line is this: People are going to smoke marijuana regardless of whether it’s regulated or illegal. The smart and safe thing to do would be to take this relatively safe herb and provide the safest access to it. No more thug pot dealers, state governments accrue funds to pay for drug education and rehabilitation, and our police can focus on the real drugs that are destroying our families like cocaine, methamphetamine and heroine.
Prohibition just doesn’t work, it’s time to reevaluate the issue and adjust our approach.
wow… interesting info at this post.. thank you very much!!!
wow… very nice work thanks!