The recent shooting in Tucson by alleged shooter Jared Loughner has renewed calls for increased gun regulation. Lawmakers now appear interested in reinstating a ban that expired in 2004 which made it illegal to manufacture or sell ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds (also known as high-capacity ammunition clips). Loughner’s weapon had been modified to use this type of magazine.
Gun shop owners in North Carolina say that most of their customers are not hurrying in to buy firearms, but large ammunition clips in response to possibly no longer being able to purchase the equipment. “The number one item we’re getting requests for are the high capacity Glock magazines,” said Guns Plus manager Martin Mancuso. “Your standard factory Glock magazine is a 17 rounder,” he said, comparing it to one that was almost twice its size. “This is a 33 rounder. It may hold more ammo, but it is also harder to conceal.”
While gun owners argue that a trained shooter can shoot just as quickly without the device, New York Democrat Carolyn McCarthy disagrees:
“What I’m trying to do is not take away the right of someone to own a gun, but just basically look at the large-capacity clips. People have to remember that the gun that they use can still have a clip in it. Ten bullets and one in the chamber, that’s 11 bullets, so if you’re using it for self-defense at home, there’s plenty of ammo there for them.”
Once again, gut-reaction to a tragic event is causing misdirected and unnecessary regulation toward those who are law-abiding citizens. Attention should be focused on the individual who knowingly committed this crime rather than imposing more restrictions on gun owners who have passed some of the most stringent gun laws in the country.
Hi Katie,
Great post. I linked to it from my blog, Katy’s Conservative Corner in hopes of spreading the word to a more natl audience, along within NC. I appreciate your work and love you guys at Civitas. Keep spreading the information. God bless you all!
Katy’s Conservative Corner
Natl and NC Politics from a Conservative Perspective
Thanks a lot, Katy! While those reading may not be gun owners, everyone is affected by the slow reduction of individual rights and increased regulations.