Hat tip to Truth or Dare, the GREAT Outer Banks blog on political and other happenings out there. They posted on a Rep. Tim Spear (D – Washington) campaign mailer that touts support of our soldiers but actually features a photo of Nazi “Re-enactors”. If you are going to say you support the US military, you might want to make sure you get your mailing company to use a picture of US soldiers!
Closing thought, I wonder if the congressional candidate who dressed up for Nazi Re-enactments is in this photo?
Those are not re-enactors they are real nazi soldiers
If Spears camp got this photo from Istock, then the person who selected this photo very likely knew these were German soldiers.
Post on Truth or Dare Updated with the photo’s origin. Mr. Spear needs to answer to the veterans of his District for this disgrace!
I wouldn’t call it a disgrace, but that is pretty darn funny.
Oh, it’s funny, all right, to campaign with a clearly labeled photo of Nazi re-enactors, claiming to be ‘another soldier’ and offering to ‘cover our backs’. Funny unless you happen to be named ‘Steinburg.’ Funny unless you never served a day in any branch of the service. Funny unless your literature claims you authorized the message, and then you claim to have been blindsided, and insist it isn’t your fault. Funny, indeed. Funny-peculiar.
Real fine upstanding leadership there, Mr. Spear. Proud of you, proud to have such an honorable guy ‘covering my back.’ Or not.