North Carolinians continue to show strong support the Opportunity Scholarship program. The March Civitas Poll found 68 percent of respondents favor the program (24 percent oppose). See Education poll questions: March 2015 Release Crosstabs education.
Support for the program is visible across geographical regions, party registration and race. The program received favorable ratings across all regions of North Carolina, ranging from 65 percent in the Triangle to  73 percent in Western NC.
With regard to party registration support is high among all groups with the relative rankings probably a bit surprising to most people. Fifty-nine percent of respondents registered as Republicans favor the program (29% oppose). Three quarters (75 percent) of registered Democrats who were polled favor the program (21 percent oppose), along with over  two-thirds (68 percent) of registered Independents.
Minorities continue to show the highest levels of support for the Opportunity Scholarship program. Eight in ten (80 percent) Black respondents favor the program (19 percent oppose). Seventy-eight percent of “Other” respondents  (i.e., Hispanic, Latino, Asian, American Indian etc. ) support the program, while 11 percent oppose. Among Whites the numbers are similarly high, with nearly two-thirds (64 percent) expressing support, while 11 percent oppose the program.
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