So how bad did HB-2 hurt North Carolina?
As many of you will remember during the contentious debate over HB2, opponents predicted the legislation would prove an economic disaster for the state. One report published by the Williams Institute affiliated with the UCLA School of Law and an organization that focuses on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity claimed that HB2 would cost the North Carolina up to $5 billion a year in lost revenue.
On Monday The Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina announced that 97 of the State’s 100 counties saw increases in visitor spending in 2016.
In 2016 North Carolina was the 6th most visited state, with 48 million visitors. According to figures visitors spent $22.9 billion statewide, an increase of 4.4 percent from the previous year.
What more needs to be said.
So…does that make discrimination OK?
Of course it does George. Religious Fascism is the Ideology of NC Civitas, the John Locke Foundation, and the NCGOP.
Letting the pervert fascist inmates run the asylum and abuse children is–of course–fine with George, Scott, and other leftard goose-steppers.
Please post FACTS and PROOF that George, Scott, or any one on what you call ‘the left’ advocate or practice child abuse by attempting to extend RIGHTS to other individuals beside you.
And answer the FACT that HB2 was also ‘discrimination’ against workers that the Corporate Media always fails to mention in their commitment to Neo-Liberal Economics.
And answer the FACT that HB2 ‘discriminated’ against the freedom and sovereignty of the towns, cities and municipalities across North Carolina by the NCGA using ‘Central Planning.’
We’ve already been over this, Scott: I provided copious links at the time factually pointing out all the molestation and rape and voyeurism you tranny panderers were enabling with your mindless advocacy for imposing tranny delusions on businesses. I also pointed out that HB2 was specifically to overturn the downright Orwellian Charlotte Ordinance (written courtesy of a convicted child molester) trying to impose tranny delusions on local businesses.
We’ve already seen that you don’t follow our links and that you don’t answer any arguments, so obviously you won’t answer any of the copious facts and proofs found there and you’ll just try to change the subject again (probably to how much you hate Trump, as if that had anything to do with anything), but the links proving that you leftards are the bullies and child abusers trying to impose your fascist fantasies on businesses and that we ought to “discriminate” against your criminality and insanity are right there. We owe you goose-steppers nothing, Scott; you owe us an explanation of why you support the Orwellian “freedom” to oppress others with fascist directives like the Charlotte Ordinance.