In the latest demonstration of legislative priorities, the North Carolina Senate passed SB 526 the "School Violence Prevention Act" aka the "Bullying" bill.
This bill, if passed by the House and signed by the Governor will become the first time homosexuality is recognized in state statute. The same bill was passed by the House last session but failed to win approval in the Senate.
Senator Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) attempted to strip the language on sexual orientation from the bill by amendment but was thwarted when the bill's sponsor, Senator Julia Boseman (D-New Hanover) pulled a parliamentary trick and pushed through a substitute amendment that blocked Berger's amendment. A further clarifying amendment proposed by Senator Eddie Goodall (R-Union) was tabled by Senator Tony Rand (D-Cumberland).
The final vote on the bill was 25 to 22 though the final vote break down has yet to be posted on the legislative web site.
While the Defense of Marriage Bill can't even get a committee hearing, the Senate leadership acquiesced to the homosexual lobby in passing the Bullying bill. Look for more to come on this bill.
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