You should recall that Civitas has been closely monitoring the NCAE’s legal compliance with state law requiring professional associations maintain at least 40,000 active members in order to receive state-provided dues processing privileges. Not only did NCAE thumb its nose at the state Auditor’s office, now it has refused to comply with a request from the State Controller.
The North Carolina Association of Educators isn’t budging on providing membership totals so the state can determine whether group members can keep having dues removed from their payroll checks.
NCAE Executive Director Rachelle Johnson wrote State Controller Linda Combs on Tuesday and told her the group still had no plans to disclose that number despite previous state requests. The teacher lobbying group leader says the state’s demand is “unnecessarily intrusive” and interferes with constitutional rights to freedom of assembly.
With this latest refusal, what will be done next?
Bad law in the first place. Those us us who are slightly enlightened know exactly why the law exists. Let see more all encompassing articles that objectively provide more background information.
Just like a liberal,if you don’t like a law don’t try to change it,just ignore it.The Attorney General should go after them.