This article by Ted Vaden is one of the strangest, most epicyclical articles I’ve ever read about the media’s (and Vaden’s paper – the N&O‘s) bias towards Democrat candidates. Please, read it all — an effort in sophistry stretched so gossamer that it makes the case against itself. But if you’re short on time, here’s my summary of it:
The media are biased towards Democrats because people are jazzed about Barack Obama, even though HIlary is the frontrunner. Oh and we’re biased towards Hilary Clinton and John Edwards, because John Edwards is from North Carolina and Hilary is the frontrunner and because people are jazzed about Barack Obama. Oh and we quoted a libertarian candidate for governor so that absolves me of writing the most convoluted explanation for bias you’ve ever heard. I’m shocked that you would even question it.
From Vaden we finally get:
"The paper should be aware of that and make sure the Republican nomination battle is getting as much attention overall as the Democratic race. After all, one of these people will end up being president."
GIuliani and Clinton are locked in a dead heat right now. But you wouldn’t know it from watching the MSM on TV or reading the N&O. So much for objectivity in journalism — if ever there was such a thing.
-Max Borders
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